Thanks, and will do. It's quite a packed schedule at Community Council today, so I'm trying to keep on top of it and (at least some of) the rest of UT rumblings at the same time.

We will keep to a minimum the times that we speak at Community Council. There's no point in watering down the message at more average proposals.

Despite my living in that "horrible looking pre-cast box" I am hoping that this project gets the go ahead. I also hope some sort of solution for the laneway traffic can be found because I'm not that worried about Balmuto St., but the laneway that wraps around the Uptown that is used by the Uptown, Crystal Blu and all the stores on Yonge St. and Bloor St. that back onto the laneway already. Once The One is also using the laneway, it will be a mess. I hope that they will consider using the extra two properties south on Yonge St. that are separate from the main land being used for The One, to make a new laneway to allow traffic in and out. They could easily add a traffic signal there to make it safe for pedestrians on Yonge, of which I am one. Anyhow, as a resident who will be directly affected by the building of The One, I still support it and want it to be built.

My apologies for the unflattering comment, it's not reflective of my opinion - rather misdirected frustration at someone's else's comments...
The site appears to only accommodate a vastly smaller development due to the loading and serving issue. The height issue relates to shadow however the loading issue relates to the footprint of the proposal.

Perhaps the inexperienced developer should have considered this problem before he spent $200 million on a postage stamp size piece of property? Maybe that's why all the local big boys & girls passed on it?

Yes, we get it. You're losing your unobstructed view.
There were about half a dozen speakers from the area who spoke about the problems with service access - essentially that the pubic lane does not have the capacity to handle the traffic the building will create, and that it will be just as bad during construction.

Councillors have followed public comments with questions to staff regarding affordable housing, the lane issue, staff's recommendation of City support at the OMB pending the favourable resolution of conditions set out in the Supplemental Report (which was posted to the Council website last night).


Thank you Interchange. Why did the subject of affordable housing arise I the context The One?
The City wants to be able to address the affordable housing situation through every proposal now.

KWT is moving that this item be forward to City Council on July 12 without recommendation. Carried.

Essentially, details seem to be changing at such a rate that KWT didn't feel that it was ready for a decision the Community Council meeting.

The City wants to be able to address the affordable housing situation through every proposal now.

KWT is moving that this item be forward to City Council on July 12 without recommendation. Carried.

Essentially, details seem to be changing at such a rate that KWT didn't feel that it was ready for a decision the Community Council meeting.


The objections of certain people aren't going to simply disappear no matter how the laneway is resolved. So I don't know why it was deferred again.
The big boys and girls passed it up because the owner refused to sell to them. The owner of stolleries has been approached dozens of times in the last decade, and apparently went with Mizrahi as he had a plan beyond a typical condo building.

that's a cute sentiment but the owner of Stollery's actually went with Mizrahi because he had a plan to pay an amount beyond what a typical condo builder would fork-over for the land.
WOW! That explains a lot. I always wondered how Mizrahi went from building a few single homes in forest hill a few years ago to proposing the tallest building in the country. For those who remember he bankrupted DoveCorp Enterprises and left the company in 2007. I'm heading down to the court to have a look at these court files. I'm sure it will be filled with very interesting documents.

I don't want to jump to any conclusions but if PWC says Sam has taken the money then I think Sam needs a better defence than I stole money because I got a threatening call from my partner's dad. Or maybe he thinks it's ok to take the money because his partner's father is a fugitive. I don't think that's going to work either.

What's going to happen to The One?
I don't understand why the Mizrahi bashing continues on this thread. It's quite misleading to imply that his career is characterized solely by the development of a few nice single family homes and then, boom, tallest tower in Canada with nothing accomplished in between. The accompanying implication that that progression somehow endangers this development is, frankly, becoming tiresome.

Nothing's going to happen to this tower. It's gonna get built. It's not even particularly behind schedule, all things considered.
