once this tower starts to rise it will rise fast because it's so narrow.
I am hoping for 2 floors a week after to podium
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Hey kids - for those scoring at home, only one of our entrants selected a September date: Cogito Ergo has September 28th. Next up was Erie Hall at October 4th and ChesterCopperpot at October 11th.
A few cell pics from 11 am...




Looks like the next super-columns are a floor high (as oppose to the two floored ones we just saw). Can see it on the left most column in Benito's pics.
If Mizrahi was nice, they'd hold a "UT Day" at The One as they pour the ground level. They could host us in an area on the south side of the site, with a box of wine, plastic wine glasses and a wheel of expired Government cheese, and when the last 100 s.f. or so is poured, lead us all over to carve our initials in that final pour for prosperity!
If Mizrahi was nice, they'd hold a "UT Day" at The One as they pour the ground level. They could host us in an area on the south side of the site, with a box of wine, plastic wine glasses and a wheel of expired Government cheese, and when the last 100 s.f. or so is poured, lead us all over to carve our initials in that final pour for prosperity!

All properties should do this, both for passing ground level and for topping out.
All properties should do this, both for passing ground level and for topping out.
why should they spend their own money to appease some UT enthusiasts? How would you react if people were telling you what you should do with your money?
Perhaps you should host such a party yourself?
why should they spend their own money to appease some UT enthusiasts? How would you react if people were telling you what you should do with your money?
Perhaps you should host such a party yourself?

I think a party is a capital idea !! Where else has a group of people been so invested in the progress of their development.

In addition to wine and cheese, Mr. Mizrahi could serve cold crow to those who insisted he'd never pull it off.
We were invited to The One groundbreaking and have been to many topping off ceremonies at other projects. Not unheard of.
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I think a party is a capital idea !! Where else has a group of people been so invested in the progress of their development.

In addition to wine and cheese, Mr. Mizrahi could serve cold crow to those who insisted he'd never pull it off.

One could say that all of the lenders on this project (and there are many!) are much more invested in the progress of the development :)
One could say that all of the lenders on this project (and there are many!) are much more invested in the progress of the development :)

True. So let's get them bankers to break out a bunch of fat crispys, kick it up a notch and have Eataly cater the event. Make it a night time soirre, bring in Drake to busta few rhymes, loot bags from HR, and disco ball hanging from the crane. My kinda party.
