I have not personally worked on this project so I don't have details of the OMB appeal unfortunately.
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So, your February post about a revised application being imminent was just a guess?

No, it was what I was told by the planning department when I inquired. If you are really interested in the details, contact the planner on the file and I'm sure they can help you out.
Another OMB prehearing is scheduled for October 27, 2017. A hearing is scheduled for July 16, 2018.
New documentation is posted on the Dev App site. Lots could still change but the developed podium design language at the north adjacent to the heritage art-deco building is the most obvious part of the design changes. The building also addresses the courtyard of the co-op housing building next door differently in the revised design.


Meh. I live 2 blocks north and walk right by this every day to get to the streetcar. Spire is across the street and this is 2 blocks from the financial district. I agree that as currently proposed it's a little.. aggressive, but height here isn't immediately bad.
