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This pic to me cries out for a land assembly.

There's a gap in the waterfront trail here.

Intensify the site from towards Lakeshore, but leave the last 100M for parkland including filling in the gap in the trail.

(distance from the Lake to just south of Lakeshore is ~500M so that should leave plenty of $$ to make this workable!

The missing section of trail is roughly 250M

But filling in that gap.......

Ties together an existing 250M section and an existing 950M section to afford 1.5km of uninterrupted Waterfront Trail!

A fairly small number of acquisitions to the west would further extend the trail to Richard's Memorial Park which would a further 600m.
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It's funny how the west end of Port Credit just dies away instantly. One moment you're on a traditional street with storefronts and walk-up apartments and then just like that you're in an area with 80s subdivisions, former cottages, and suburban waterfront parklands. I wonder why there was such a halt in westward development for so long?
It's funny how the west end of Port Credit just dies away instantly. One moment you're on a traditional street with storefronts and walk-up apartments and then just like that you're in an area with 80s subdivisions, former cottages, and suburban waterfront parklands. I wonder why there was such a halt in westward development for so long?
The oil tank farm that's now being remediated to be turned into 'Brightwater' was a major impediment.

