Saw this clunker up close today, not worth taking photos of. The painted brick looks cheap, resembles a shade of pale canned salmon. Should also look worse with age.
who likes that pink brick in all these buildings? I understand that painting it requires it to be one color (rather than a preferred mix of colors), but wouldn't most people like a red, or red/brown brick?
A little concerned about how that painted brick will weather over time, but honestly I don't hate this one. The liberal use of "brick" is nice, minimal use of sprandrel, and the setbacks don't hurt. All in all it could be a lot worse.
They don't paint these precast brick panels, they stain them. Stain penetrates the surface, as opposed to paint which just adheres to it. While paint can flake off, there's nothing to flake here, because the precast itself has changed colour.
Ah interesting, thanks. They can really do that post-installation eh? Wouldn't have guessed, assumed staining would be easier/more efficient when it's made.