The original design looks like a generic office building. The new design with the setback terraces is so much better. I do wonder if handing the common space terrace directly above all the other terraces will prove to be horribly noisy for the people who live in the units directly below. If you wanted to just quietly enjoy your terrace you would have to hear potential crowds and music blaring just feet above you.

Sales Centre is CLOSED in the Old Beer Store, and demolition fencing is now up. We are using this Beer Store project as a local-reference example in the models that our Ryerson students are doing for the surplus Green-P parking lot site at Dundas and Ossington.

Photo 2022-01-16, 2 41 08 PM.jpg

Photo 2022-01-16, 2 41 01 PM.jpg

Photo 2022-01-16, 2 41 54 PM.jpg
The red brick in the rendering should look great in the winter. I find that buildings clad in red, orange, and yellow bricks seem more pleasant to walk by in the winter than other colours like grey.

The warm and vibrant colours stand out nicely against white snow or the dullness of a late fall/winter/early spring landscape of dormant yellow-green grass, bare brown trees, a grey roadway covered in salt residue, and a grey sky.
