I believe he was talking about deco towers. There are a couple, yes, but not as many as some other cities.

Were there many towers in Toronto, *period*? Look: even the tallest of all, Commerce Court North, is basically a Deco-fied Romanesque: its antecedents like Bertram Goodhue or Eliel Saarinen are clear. BNS across the street is retardataire postwar Deco; a bit to the NW is the the Saarinen-like soar of Canada Permanent; further NW still is the Concourse, and a bit to the NE is 80 Richmond, all Deco. And other than the FCP block (which claimed the Toronto Star Building and some other smaller gems), Toronto hasn't really *lost* much in the way of Deco office buildings, either--because it didn't have them in the first place.

As far as major non-Deco stuff of the Deco period, you're left with little more than Royal York and Canada Life--and even that's arguable. (Canada Life may be classical, but it's a very Lutyens-esque classical that might as well be a Deco tributary in its own right.)
I walked by here today for the first time in a while (since november when the weather was warmer) and it is quite the big hole. It helps that this is a pit for two buildings, as Cyrstal Blu nearly doubles the size.
Hole's getting deep! Thx Mike for all the great pics today...
Is there any word on when the cranes will show up? I would think it must be soon, I couldn't see them bothering to grade the pit like that unless they were bottomed out.
March 15th Update

The hole gets deeper.
Facing north, Uptown is in the background, Crystal Blu in the foreground


