I don't think that I'm of the "whiners", but I gotta say that the longer this tower is delayed the better. I'm not looking forward to this tower at all. The renders just scream "reams and reams and reams of precast" (or maybe even simply poured concrete). I guess it should make a bit of a counterpoint to Manulife, but we'd be better off without it.
Am I the only one here that thinks this tower will turn out better then most expect? Tall, slender taking it's cues from the deco period. It's like nothing else we have going up at the moment so it ads a bit of variety. And that's what makes Yorkville great, variety of architecture. This building with it's smaller windows next to Blu that is all glass will look great IMO.
Like CDL, I'm worried about the cladding on this one... I'm almost certain they'll screw it up. It would be a real shame too because it's a beautifully shaped building that has the potential to be gorgeous... like this:

I'm looking forward to this tower. Even if it is precast, I think it could look good with age.

Besides, as we saw with 1 St. Thomas, precast doesn't have to look terrible. I'm not expecting that level of quality, but hopefully it turns out okay.
Like CDL, I'm worried about the cladding on this one... I'm almost certain they'll screw it up. It would be a real shame too because it's a beautifully shaped building that has the potential to be gorgeous... like this:

i love the design. it's a deco building which toronto lacks.
we have plenty of BA centres already. why build another one.
as for the cladding, we'll see. thye can always rip it off if it gets dirty and put something else on.
i love the design. it's a deco building which toronto lacks.

We actually have plenty of handsome Art Deco buildings: Princess Margaret Hospital (formerly Ontario Hydro building), Toronto Postal Station K, Tip Top Tailor Building, and of course the extravagantly opulent water treatment facility R.C. Harris plant all come to mind
I believe he was talking about deco towers. There are a couple, yes, but not as many as some other cities.
As I recall the City required that the first 8 or so floors be clad in stone...so at least the undoubtedly cheap concrete won't be very visible at street level.
Indeed. Advertising and pretty pictures of "things to be" in real estate sales materials mean squat. The Purchase and Sale Agreement is what holds water. My experience has been forget a real estate broker when buying an unbuilt property, it's a waste of time if you are a good negotiator and know what you want. Spend the time and money with a good lawyer prior to purchasing in order for him/her to scrutinize the P & S Agreement with you.

I'm tempted to have this tattooed on my forehead. Well stated.
We actually have plenty of handsome Art Deco buildings: Princess Margaret Hospital (formerly Ontario Hydro building), Toronto Postal Station K, Tip Top Tailor Building, and of course the extravagantly opulent water treatment facility R.C. Harris plant all come to mind

i wouldn't say 'plenty'.
compared to most northeastern north american cities of our age and size.
...and that's because most other northeastern north american cities of our age and size either ossified or declined during the years that Toronto was booming, so those buildings weren't getting replaced by bigger ones in those cities. Oh yeah, and we weren't building big quite as often when Art Deco was actually Art Deco, and not Art Decfaux.

