I thought I was bad.

Shooting them is one thing, but making adjustment and tagging them can take longer than shooting them.

Then to file them so they can be posted here is more time lost.

It fun and it will be part of history that we leave behind us for others to see.

I like taking before shots as well during and after construction when I can.
I thought I was bad.

Shooting them is one thing, but making adjustment and tagging them can take longer than shooting them.

Then to file them so they can be posted here is more time lost.

It fun and it will be part of history that we leave behind us for others to see.

I like taking before shots as well during and after construction when I can.

Your right on the mark, getting around and photographing is the part I love. The real time involved (the not-so-fun part) is naming, uploading, copy/pasting and editing. But it's all well worth the effort being a part of keeping UT'ers up to date on what's happening around town.

I believe Casaguy shot that one. It's good to know that other people have huge, teeming folders of project photos, model shots and renders - makes me feel a little more sane.

Count me in on that one too! So we're sane?! Whew! ;)
Aug 22nd Update

From Balmuto Street and Bloor Street

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Interesting, looks like they are already 2 floors above the 1st setback above the podium, Balmuto St. side....(you can see it on the pic taken from Bloor)

thx for the pics, dt!
don't give them any ideas to cheap out on the facade now PE ~
Sept. 1 Update

Forms are now being lifted into place for the 4th level above the first setback.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

with insulation now starting to show on the lower levels, we should be seeing the cladding fairly soon...pic by Taller, Better at SSC....

Here's some photos i took a couple weeks ago...

This shot has Casa in the background:


Here's a shot of Manulife, Crystal Blu, and Uptown Residences... It really shows how tall Crystal Blu is and how congested the area is gonna get... Gotta love it!!!! :)


All photos by me: steveve :)

Always a good sign when a new poster at the forum is already posting development updates.

Good update buddy :)
The fourth floor above the first setback is complete and some forms are in place for the fifth level. This looks like they're going to be completing a floor a week now, weather permitting.
Uptown already feels imposing from the other side of Balmuto. Can't wait for it to get higher now
