What would you rather see? This is 2009. Who can afford stone?
October 1 2009 update

14th floor being poured at the Uptown Residences ~

Elevations - Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast
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Thanks for the pics Solaris. Uptown is looking good.

What's black and white and re(a)d all over? Discussions of architectural merit along Charles Street on UT.

This building, along with 1 St. Thomas, will provide an interesting contrast along Charles Street with X and the future X2.

Great shots of Uptown... It's really tall and... white?... I thought this one was suppose to be goldish... hmm...
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What would you rather see? This is 2009. Who can afford stone?

Actually, there will be stone on this; black granite if I recall correctly. However, yes, the main tower portion will sadly be precast. I don't understand it though, when Canada Life built their tower, they managed to build it with real stone, and that was during the depression. I don't think it's a matter or not being able to afford it, rather it's a matter of (most) developers vying for the absolute cheapest possible option. Inexcusable, considering the extortionist prices people pay for these places.

How I long for the days of true quality of materials.
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. I don't think it's a matter or not being able to afford it, rather it's a matter of (most) developers vying for the absolute cheapest possible option. Inexcusable, considering the extortionist prices people pay for these places.

How I long for the days of true quality of materials.

Bang on.

I've worked in the industry, and the only thing most developers value is money. Nothing else is of significant importance. I just spent some time in Germany, and new standard condo/apartment units look like our upscale stuff. Everything is based on greed in North America. It seems like every industry is run by bankers.
I don't think it's a matter or not being able to afford it, rather it's a matter of (most) developers vying for the absolute cheapest possible option. Inexcusable, considering the extortionist prices people pay for these places.

True but, the people buying into this crap are no better. On average, they are just as greedy and profit focused. (let's not forget about city hall either)

Uptown's gonna be a disaster. Poor Bloor/Yonge
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Has there been any mid-rise or high-rise built in the last cycle using stone as opposed to precast?
I've worked in the industry, and the only thing most developers value is money. Nothing else is of significant importance. I just spent some time in Germany, and new standard condo/apartment units look like our upscale stuff. Everything is based on greed in North America. It seems like every industry is run by bankers.

oh yes and the German banks are booming aren't they??? :rolleyes:
Bang on.

I've worked in the industry, and the only thing most developers value is money. Nothing else is of significant importance. I just spent some time in Germany, and new standard condo/apartment units look like our upscale stuff. Everything is based on greed in North America. It seems like every industry is run by bankers.

This is absolutely out of control in North America. I believe it.
Are we really that surprised.....

That greed runs North America?

I think we all know that the underlying factor to how everything is run here is on how profit can be made and maximized. And we're conditioned to worship money and material wealth to the exclusion of everything else now.

I saw the new Michael Moore film yesterday and yes, the movie has a slant with the view being presented but absolutely greed is the deciding factor everywhere I see and it seems have saturated all aspects of our society.

Many of my younger co-workers are enthralled by how much they spend and buy. Bragging of how they ripped someone off and how that they exploited someone for drinks or free diners and other very unflattering behaviours. One of the girls openly bragged about getting her ex to pay for a 2 week trip to a resort.

They went together and I'm pretty sure there was sex. Behind the scenes she calls him a loser and says she hates him but she had no problem prosituting herself out to get a free trip. This is what I'm talking.

The sheer scale of exploitation that exists now and how so many are looking for that free ride instead of actually putting in a effort and working for something. Instead, laughing with high fives about using someone to get something for nothing and then tossing this person aside.

They seem to have no ethics or morals. It's very ugly behaviour and it sickens me...... This is what we're being reduced to now.
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Two factors at play here:

1) We live in a mass produced world. Stone is completely unaffordable and really doesn't make sense anymore. In small amounts though it's a luxurious touch but don't expect to see much of it used on buildings ever again to the extent that it once was. (I know this is obvious)

2) On a micro level, we all seem to treat each other fairly similarly to other generations, but on a macro level, yeah, we all like to subjugate and screw each other over just to make another penny and-- yes-- put our neighbour into debt.
Actually, there will be stone on this; black granite if I recall correctly. However, yes, the main tower portion will sadly be precast. I don't understand it though, when Canada Life built their tower, they managed to build it with real stone, and that was during the depression. I don't think it's a matter or not being able to afford it, rather it's a matter of (most) developers vying for the absolute cheapest possible option. Inexcusable, considering the extortionist prices people pay for these places.

How I long for the days of true quality of materials.

Well, the Canada Life tower is pretty different, since it is an insurance building. In the 20s and 30s, the appearance of a bank/insurance tower was designed to inspire confidence in the company, which necessitated premium materials. Bank towers still have ridiculously over-the-top materials used in their construction - doesn't that Royal Bank Plaza tower have gold in the windows?

Most of the towers built now are residences. People accept aluminum siding and fake brick on their houses, why wouldn't they accept precast and spandrels on their condos? The cost of these condos is so high I'm sure most people really don't care about what's on the outside as long as the inside is decent.
