It always struck me as curious that the two buildings, having similar-sized podiums, opted against running up to the property line. Surely any additional podium square footage would have been marketable...?
That is an old site plan, by the way. I assume the location of the towers remains the same, but the new plan for Cruptal Blown itself is now a rectangular structure, and no longer a curved one.

That drawing also seems to indicate that there's a lane running between the two buildings. Is this for garage access?

I don't know what the lane will be used for, but I do know that it is owned in sections by owners of the of properties fronting Yonge Street. It looks as if Blu has a larger area out back perhaps as a loading dock/garbage area etc. I enlarged the .pdf that I copied that site plan from but the draft instructions are very hard to read.

interchange42 said:
That is an old site plan, by the way. I assume the location of the towers remains the same, but the new plan for Cruptal Blown itself is now a rectangular structure, and no longer a curved one.

Yes I saw that. I only used that site plan as a basic reference, it's all I could find illustrating roughly where the footprints of the two buildings are located (or perhaps were located).
I don't know what the sales staff told you at Blu, but the two buildings have an IDENTICAL setback. I know the laneways will remain but as to their use, your guess is as good as mine.
With this, Blu, One Bloor, all the yorkville development, Casa, BSN (shudder), and X a little bit over (couture as well?) this side of town is definitely going to be different
Don't forget the St. Michael's developments at Bay & St. Mary proposed for townhomes & 45 & 55 storey highrises, 17 stories @ 77 Charles Street W., a 33 storey (40 storey incl. mechanical & 5 storey podium) proposed at 45 Charles E. next to CASA and a 16 storey at 10 Prince Arthur
Don't forget Stern's One St. Thomas and The St. Thomas. One Bedford is just down a bit as well. I think theres a tower going in where the Pizza Hut was on Bloor across from the ROM? The sales center is in Yorkville.
I am looking forward to seeing One St. Thomas and The St. Thomas get into a viscious slap fight to see which one is the more definitive St. Thomas.
there's already been a slap fight of sorts. future residents of the st. thomas tried to prevent the one st. thomas from blocking their views. suits were filed.
October 5th Update:

there's already been a slap fight of sorts. future residents of the st. thomas tried to prevent the one st. thomas from blocking their views. suits were filed.

That's interesting, I didn't know that. Are you sure it wasn't the other way around, seeing as One St. Thomas went up first?

What happened, in the end?
sorry, you're right...the One St. Thomases tried to stop the St. Thomas. I never did hear what happened in the end, but I don't think they won, seeing as the tower is now in production.
Thanks Mike in TO, dt_toronto_geek, casaguy for the construction pics update...those apt buildings behind are really ugly.
