I was going to give this building a 7/10 before the compromises. Now it's a 5. It just passed.
Agreed. I'd felt that the crown was really going to save it, but Pemberton didn't even bother to give a rat's ass. This building truly is the height of mediocrity. My expectations for U Condos have sunk. Thankfully aA almost always does good work, even despite being constrained by hack-job developers.
Not exactly...


Pic is of the southeast corner. Not sure if the model photo is of the same corner...

Is there a chance that there are precast pieces yet to be attached somehow or did they really cheap out on the roof? I'm stunned.
My crappy, lazy-ass render is starting to look like it's coming true.

The cost of some concrete fins spread over all the buyers in this building is probably way less than $1000 bucks a unit. Do you really think the purchasers would have noticed that when they are paying $1.5 million?

Someone at the developers office is pocketing that extra cash and taking their family to The Bahamas this winter.

(Before some wise-ass freaks and says "That's liable! How dare you accuse... Blah blah blah" ... it was sarcasm.... Or was it?)
They completely changed the roof and destroyed the design. THAT SUCKS!!! It's things like this that really piss me off!
This kind of thing actually makes me angry. I wouldn't buy into anything being built by Pemberton.
They completely changed the roof and destroyed the design. THAT SUCKS!!! It's things like this that really piss me off!

If that's true, and it seems to be, I'm pissed too. We lost a great old cinema that brought so much life to the area for this clawed back cheap-out and that POS next door which looks like what little "blu" there ever was is fading by the day. Fail.
Don't you wish that after the grand tour Pemberton offered the UT staff, that they would be forced to read every comment posted after.

Same goes for all the developers using this site for their advertising.... You can't just take the praise lavished on you by sycophants, you must also hear the criticisms.
This kind of thing actually makes me angry. I wouldn't buy into anything being built by Pemberton.

I do have high hopes for Pemberton. Uptown represents more the Pemberton of old with everything designed by Burka Architects. We'll see with U.
I do have high hopes for Pemberton. Uptown represents more the Pemberton of old with everything designed by Burka Architects. We'll see with U.

The choice of architects on Uptown may represent the Pemberton of old, but that old design choice included an elegant crown. The decision to hack it up on the cheap is a decision by Pemberton being implemented here and now.
There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with our system, if developers are allowed to get away with something like this. No developer should be allowed to make such major changes to a building. It just should not be legal. The system is much too heavily in favour of the developer and screws everyone else. If I was wealthy, I'd hire the best lawyers and sue the pants off them. I'd drag out this case and make sure it costed them much more than they saved by cheapening that lousy roof. I'd also bring as much bad press to Pemberton as I could. I'd hold a friggin' press conference, demanding a stop to this kind of thing!

Christ, the roof was the one thing that saved the building from being a dud! Shame on Pemberton!
That changes my opinion too. I had been waiting for those fins since the early renders came out. Even after the poor cladding quality became evident, I had been hoping that the rooftop fins would at least partially retrieve this building's appearance. Now... I am beyond disgusted. The bean-counters at Pemberton have evidently decided to save a few thousand dollars in construction costs, by effectively destroying the already-diminished looks of the building.
