17 November 2010: Kennedy wishes it was taller:

ah hah

I was never able to place it till just now, but the relationship between Uptown and BLU is = to that of New Yorks Woolworth and Transportation buildings, and while Uptown is in no way the masterpeice that Woolworth is, (one of the best ever) the massing and the relation to its neighbor is very similar, especially if you look at those New York towers in the 30's before the other modern era towers encroach. Just an observation.....
Uptown looks better than most of you admit, its kinda sexy, and definitly speaks of that bygone era. Its the lack of detail that detracts from Uptown, I'm not saying gargoyles would be appropriate, but some more care with the crown would have been nice.... a great lighting scheme will save this tower from being forgettable.... hope your listening.....LIGHT THIS SUCKER UP!!!;)
Solaris pic post 1395
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I agree, I think with a little weathering, this will become an endearing tower, with a great silhouette at dusk and sleek profile at night, ( especially if lit), and its proximity to blu does create an urbanity, that city place is missing. During the day, it will still be a wonderful slice of New Yorks setback mentality, and will appear to many (Casual glancing tourists, not skyscraper geeks) as an original thirties tower, that lends an artificial history to a neighborhood. New York has a number of towers that appear older, and you can assume them being there during the jazz age, when they were actually built much later.
Looking up at Uptown, as seen in many pics in this thread, it elongates itself due to the stepping and massing. Giving it a movie, almost cartoon ( Think spiderman) like appearance. This is a successful design, and while its finishing touches are not up to the standards of that bygone era, it still stands up to most of the new architecture built in Toronto or anywhere else. If your gonna emulate,.... 30's era NYC tower design is an informed and classic choice. Bravo.!!
I could get killed for this by you Casa lovers, but in twenty years or so, will we still praise its design and little chapeau?? I think that's up to debate, but Uptown is a tried and true design... for better or worse:rolleyes:
I think its a little bit like Chryslers PT Cruiser, an old design that from afar is pleasing , familiar, and nostalgic, CHEAPENED??? Yes.... Iconic ???...No, Somehow pleasing, I think so.
The windows are definitely doing it some justice, it's still missing some much needed detailing though! There's no contrast.
This is what I hear when I see this building. And it drives me insane:


Ahahaha dammit now that's in my head!

This may seem ridiculous so some or many people, but I think the crown would have looked better if it was pointed (Metlife Tower-style) with the lines running up it, than the precast box that it has right now.
Just a thought.
I think its been setback too far for a crown with a point to work , but something like the RCA victor building in New York, 570 lexington..(not the GE building, would post a pic but dont know how?) Or the American Radiator building would have been sweet!!!
If someone would post a pic of Radiator and 570 Lex. that would be great>
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WOW THAT WAS FAST AND IMPRESSIVE...now wouldnt that look nice in Yorkville???? Only in midtown could a building that beauitful go so unnoticed, 570 is truly a gem and still looks amazing. Any place else that tower would be a crowning jewel in the skyline, 57th and Lex, it barely gets on the stage, out glitzed by Chrysler, Waldorf, the Chanin and the rest. In Buffalo or St Louis, that would be king!!!
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Also the Radiator crown is Gold on black, very striking and visually pleasing.....(man the glory years of design and architecture are sure behind us. No one even thinks about building like this anymore. )
DAMMMN, thats so hot, !!!!! Now , thats how you build a crown. Do architects study this stuff?? Or just us skyscaper geeks??? You should not get a degree in tower design unless you can name by sight in three seconds or less, the 100 great towers of the 20t century. Woolworth, the Wall st towers, Penobscot, Wrigley, The Tribune, etc.
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i wish i could go back in time and get alot of people to move to t.o. instead of chicago and new york city.... maybe then we'd get a tall one or 2 like that :(
new york makes me jealous
