Its not in the financial class, as Ritz or FS, its a res. tower, meant for the upper middleclass, and shes being compared to super models popping up everywhere. Alot of cities would welcome her, just in TO, theres so much to choose from, any flaw makes her irrelevant. Again I dont think this is the Woolworth building, just a nice sleek design with old school sensibilities. As much whining that goes on here about cityplace and green glass... when you get something thats not green , not limey spandrel, we should appreciate it a little bit more.
Its not in the financial class, as Ritz or FS, its a res. tower, meant for the upper middleclass, and shes being compared to super models popping up everywhere. Alot of cities would welcome her, just in TO, theres so much to choose from, any flaw makes her irrelevant. Again I dont think this is the Woolworth building, just a nice sleek design with old school sensibilities. As much whining that goes on here about cityplace and green glass... when you get something thats not green , not limey spandrel, we should appreciate it a little bit more.

The biggest problem people have with Uptown isn't the concept but the execution. So many minor details were bungled or ignored altogether, despite the fact that they wouldn't have cost the developer much, if anything, to do. People are dissapointed by the fact that we missed out on what could have been.
I completely agree, ....and I said the silver lining is its sleek profile will look good at nite especially lit up... the finishing touches that have been botched or deemed to expensive, will not detract from its overall impact on the skyline,...and from a distance (dvp) it will be a rewarding shape and a great addition.
24 November 2010: Looks great from Yonge and Finch tonight:

Its not in the financial class, as Ritz or FS, its a res. tower, meant for the upper middleclass, and shes being compared to super models popping up everywhere. Alot of cities would welcome her, just in TO, theres so much to choose from, any flaw makes her irrelevant. Again I dont think this is the Woolworth building, just a nice sleek design with old school sensibilities. As much whining that goes on here about cityplace and green glass... when you get something thats not green , not limey spandrel, we should appreciate it a little bit more.

The thing is though, it's in Yorkville, which is one of the most expensive (if not the most expensive) areas in Toronto. Uptown would look at home beside those New York Towers at Bayview and the 401.
not even close to the same.....those are squat, and totally suburban in feel, Uptown look s a thousand times better than that!!!! Uptown is far sleeker, sexier, and a lot closer to its ancestry. Those NY towers should have never been allowed to go forward. They are hideous, they are Vanilla ice, and while Uptown may not be Grand Master Flash either,.... lets face it she's at least Common or Q Tip.
not even close to the same.....those are squat, and totally suburban in feel, Uptown look s a thousand times better than that!!!! Uptown is far sleeker, sexier, and a lot closer to its ancestry. Those NY towers should have never been allowed to go forward. They are hideous, they are Vanilla ice, and while Uptown may not be Grand Master Flash either,.... lets face it she's at least Common or Q Tip.

Uptown doesn't seem to be much different from the NY Towers except that the proportions of the NY Towers are all wrong. Uptown has good proportions.
posted by lucci at SSC.....


and one other....o.k., so Uptown isn't in this one.....


First off, Uptown looks awesome in that shot, cant wait for some light to be on.
Second. I wish there was a jaw droppin, eyes poppin icon to choose from cos it would go here. Dam thats Freakin crazy. Hold your finger over the CN Tower, .....and thats Manhattan...... Dam, so cool.
I also think the height of uptown works very well with its neighbors, Esp. big ole MANULIFE, iTS THE BEAST , approaching the new girl for a dance.:p Seems to fit nicely in there, al,ost like it was always there.:rolleyes:
The offset lights on FCP, (on top) almost resemble the WTC, when you would look down 10 th ave from midtown. That could almost be the southern tip down there.
Uptown has its good and bad days. in that shot it looks REALLY GOOD! it only looks cheap cause its not complete yet and there's no life in it. it's like a blank canvas without paint on it. (the minute you add paint the value goes up!)
What a view! cityplace seems to go on forever! its amazing!

the city has never looked better :D
Thats gotta be the 4 Seasons crane, wait til this grows twenty five more floors, This will be the new northern terminus of downtown and a great place to illustrate the size of the city that most pics cant relate. Again NYC, and Chicago are hard to find comprehensive photos of, you can kinda get Chitown from the lake, but really only from above can you see all of NYC< and then you loose the scale of its height. Toronto is now that large that you have a hard time putting it all in one frame. Casa Loma pics seem to catch it well.

Then one bloor will really intensify this shot.
The top certainly is a bit too toned-down. It underestimates the strength of the very tower beneath it.

As for how it looks at different times-- when the precast is wet from the rain, it looks awesome. Hopefully this precast is a quality that will weather nicely.
