Come off the market as in never gonna be in sales again. I think it was a smart move on Pinnacle's part given they were building the tower before they reached a significant sales level.

Who's to say "Come off the market as in never gonna be in sales again" was what he/she was implying. Based on words used Pinnacle is perfect example against the argument he was using (i.e. that something like that has never happened in Toronto)

Anyways I'll stop I'm being silly.

Yes nothing like that has for the most part happened here yet. Not quite the case in the commercial market - MARS exemplifying that though.
December 9 2008 update

its at street level ~ .... (sorry poor night shots)

Looking Southeast

Looking Northeast
I like pics too, but if they're poor, why post them? Sorry if you consider this a hissy fit, but it just slows down the forum for me, and it only feels worth it when the pics have some actual new information in them. (Some of us have to get by on DSL "lite"!)
How about you just close your eyes ... they'll disappear that way ;)
but my point is at least he went out to take these pics even if they were bad quality
I'm just bugging you Build Up.

I know you meant no offense. It's a minor issue we don't usually get pics like that so it's not a big deal.
I like pics too, but if they're poor, why post them? Sorry if you consider this a hissy fit, but it just slows down the forum for me, and it only feels worth it when the pics have some actual new information in them. (Some of us have to get by on DSL "lite"!)

I apoloize (again) for the poor photo quality .... I had to run in the rain last night to snap those .... will note not to post those in the future ~ :)
I think I speak for the vast majority here, in saying that we appreciate any and all pics.....thx Solaris...:)
X 2
Yes please post all pictures in the future. If people choose to have slower internet, that is their choice to live with. If they want high speed internet, they can buy it.

Also a suggestion. If you want less blur, get a tripod for your night shots.
Look, I know I have barely posted anything yet, (I've read the forum for ages) so I have not contributed much at all, and I don't mean to single out the two pictures above necessarily: they are not the worst that have ever been posted here by any means. It's just that sometimes people post and post and post no matter how good their photos turned out. It's great when Casaguy posts those clickable thumbnails - I just wish everybody did it that way as it makes the threads load sooooo much faster. Is there a tutorial somewhere on this site that shows how to do that?
Look, I know I have barely posted anything yet, (I've read the forum for ages) so I have not contributed much at all, and I don't mean to single out the two pictures above necessarily: they are not the worst that have ever been posted here by any means. It's just that sometimes people post and post and post no matter how good their photos turned out. It's great when Casaguy posts those clickable thumbnails - I just wish everybody did it that way as it makes the threads load sooooo much faster. Is there a tutorial somewhere on this site that shows how to do that?

A tutorial??? Haha...good one. UT going down and posts like this one going up...could it be mere coincidence :)
I've gotta be honest with you Kitty, I hate clicking on thumbnails, I'd rather have the big picture right in front of me. Most people have high speed, so everything is geared towards the majority.
