By I mess I mean it isnt visually cohesive. The way the main building is staggered isn't symmetrical, theres the weird staircase up the one side, the stripes of black glass along the front, the little pop out by the first setback and that's all just with the first tower.

Like I said I still think itll turn out well, and end up being one of those ultra unique buildings. I still see it as a mess though. Frankly the greenish glass doesnt really bother me at all.

This building is an homage to Lloyds of London - but it is not that unique (conventional concrete structure, curtainwall envelope, etc), unlike the former. The main unconventional thing (relative to other office towers in Toronto) is the side core with the bank of panoramic elevators.

By I mess I mean it isnt visually cohesive. The way the main building is staggered isn't symmetrical, theres the weird staircase up the one side, the stripes of black glass along the front, the little pop out by the first setback and that's all just with the first tower.

Like I said I still think itll turn out well, and end up being one of those ultra unique buildings. I still see it as a mess though. Frankly the greenish glass doesnt really bother me at all.
Ah you mean visually, I totally agree with you. The green glass bothers me but the faux cross beams bother me more. I’m personally more excited to be inside than to look at it from the outside.
By rough estimate, would the building height be at the tip of the crane?

By rough estimate, would the building height be at the tip of the crane?

View attachment 276189

The Well (X-brace volumes)

If you use the render as a guide, there are 8 "X"-brace volumes above the podium plus the highest volume is extra height. This pic has 3 volumes clad... so about 4 more like the cladding in the pic, and a 5th volume that's taller.

Another way to look at it: we see roughly two more "volumes" of unclad concrete floors... so think 3 more volumes on top of that (the highest being extra tall).

If that's your photo I could scribble something for you tomorrow (busy tonight). Either way it's going to look much taller from this pov than I would have thought.
By rough estimate, would the building height be at the tip of the crane?

View attachment 276189

With some help from HPA and UT, I think it might look a bit like this (obviously the condo will break up the mass of the wide west face of the tower from this pov):


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The elevator core / stairwell is my favourite aspect because it brings the edge to what is otherwise a watered down attempt at structural expressionism. I think the overall complex will still be great but as a standalone structure leaves to be desired
With some help from HPA and UT, I think it might look a bit like this (obviously the condo will break up the mass of the wide west face of the tower from this pov):

View attachment 276378

View attachment 276380
From this angle, it looks way taller than what I was expecting. This is going to be visible looking North on Spadina for a very long time, already stands out from the lake.
For the heck of it I dropped in a placeholder condo.... the condo is actually only 7 metres shorter than the office tower, so it likely would look even taller than this from CanadianDriver's angle.

At least you can see how it breaks up the width of the office's west face from this pov.

Well-compared +condo.jpg

Apologies to new owners for removing their balconies ;)
I think you have overestimated how many floors the tower has left - it's 3/5 done.

Think you may be over-estimating at 3/5 done, given the extra height in the last volume. Very roughly, I would guess it's only 2.879568/5ths done. :oops:
Looks like the corners of the condo tower rising are rounded not pointed as seen in the photos up above . Are they going with the previous rendering? I hope so which I think it's better than the latest rendering .
