has the height of the office tower reached the half way point?
You can easily count approximately how many floors a building has risen, in this case around 27
Update from afar in the skyline.
Looks like they are working on the 28th floor, that would mean 18 to go.
The office tower has 36 floors. The 46 floors listed on the thread title are for the tallest RESIDENTIAL tower, which is actually shorter than the office tower (174m is the height of the office tower). I mentioned this discrepancy a few months ago, and the moderator acknowledged it, but nothing has been changed.
October 9. First form on the west side of the office tower has moved up to start work on the 29th floor.

Cycle times per floor over the past months since early May have been:

May 1.............19................-
May 28..........20...............27
June 12.........21..............15
June 25.........22..............13
July 10..........23..............15
July 24..........24..............14
August 10....25..............18 (Includes the August long holiday weekend)
August 21....26..............11
Sept. 3..........27..............13
Sept. 21.......28..............18 (Includes the Labour Day holiday long weekend)
October 9....29..............18

A couple of notes - the form which has been raised for the 29th floor is visibly set back from those on the 28th floor - setback this time is on the west side of the office tower. Also visible is the difference in height between the 27th and 28th floors slabs, more than the typical floors have been - probably a building services / mechanical equipment floor (I believe that may have been mentioned earlier).

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I think in the end when all this project is done and completed, it will be quite something to walk through and about it.
I agree. This project is a mess, no doubt about that. but in the end I think it'll turn out to a decent mess that turns heads because its unique, not the kinda mess where it turns heads cuz something things wtf went wrong here.
I agree. This project is a mess, no doubt about that. but in the end I think it'll turn out to a decent mess that turns heads because its unique, not the kinda mess where it turns heads cuz something things wtf went wrong here.
Could I ask why you think the project is a mess? I know there was disappointment over the tower glazing and the loss of the movie theatre but it seems like a pretty well thought out mixed used project.

Retail, office, high rises, mid rises, open space, unique and varying materials in the architecture. And adding a lot of value to what was a wasteland at a major intersection.
Could I ask why you think the project is a mess? I know there was disappointment over the tower glazing and the loss of the movie theatre but it seems like a pretty well thought out mixed used project.

Retail, office, high rises, mid rises, open space, unique and varying materials in the architecture. And adding a lot of value to what was a wasteland at a major intersection.
By I mess I mean it isnt visually cohesive. The way the main building is staggered isn't symmetrical, theres the weird staircase up the one side, the stripes of black glass along the front, the little pop out by the first setback and that's all just with the first tower.

Like I said I still think itll turn out well, and end up being one of those ultra unique buildings. I still see it as a mess though. Frankly the greenish glass doesnt really bother me at all.
