I think that it is wet. Btw there is a radiant heating system under the floor to reduce water buildup.
As long as one side of the street is train tracks in a trench there is nothing that can be done to make it look more appealing.
Only until they deck the train tracks with a park and condos will front street feel more urban and less like a wasteland

they could remove a car lane and build a sidewalk, bikelane, wall to the train tracks
Now I get the skating rink! It is meant to be used to create videos for IG! Lol Two people filming themselves while skating! Sweat and Tonic getting close to opening. Taken 5 December.


...keeping the ideas of bathroom laws at bay one sign at a time. <3
Karen is going to be furious! LolView attachment 524913
Wait till Karens learn of the "family washroom!"

After all, the religious right loves to use the word "family" to refer to anything that conforms to their belief that a cis-heterosexual nuclear family is the only moral family, yet family washrooms are universal washrooms with baby diaper changing stations.
I wonder when someone is going to make a cool drone video of the Well’s atrium?!
Karen is going to be furious! LolView attachment 524913
All gender bathrooms are not ideal for all situations. Try making stadiums with only those and see how long the lines are for everyone to use the bathroom. When a lot of drinking is involved, it's always better to use some space for urinals and let people through faster. And having used all gender bathrooms, I would not want to use them as a woman having to sit on clearly wet seats. No thanks. Everyone should be able to use the bathroom for whatever gender they identify with but it doesn't mean we need to remove gender from everything and change our infrastructure.
All gender bathrooms are not ideal for all situations. Try making stadiums with only those and see how long the lines are for everyone to use the bathroom. When a lot of drinking is involved, it's always better to use some space for urinals and let people through faster. And having used all gender bathrooms, I would not want to use them as a woman having to sit on clearly wet seats. No thanks. Everyone should be able to use the bathroom for whatever gender they identify with but it doesn't mean we need to remove gender from everything and change our infrastructure.
Alternatively, you could introduce a different two-tiered toilet system - sitdown or squat at a 50/50 ratio. Squats are faster, unisex, and you don't have to touch anything so could be seen as cleaner, but of course they have the major caveat that they're ableist.
...or the use of male or female bathrooms along with the universal ones. As long as it's not a world where my friends get harassed by security Kellie-Jay style for using washrooms they identify with. Just saying.
All gender bathrooms are not ideal for all situations. Try making stadiums with only those and see how long the lines are for everyone to use the bathroom. When a lot of drinking is involved, it's always better to use some space for urinals and let people through faster. And having used all gender bathrooms, I would not want to use them as a woman having to sit on clearly wet seats. No thanks. Everyone should be able to use the bathroom for whatever gender they identify with but it doesn't mean we need to remove gender from everything and change our infrastructure.

Agreed, but in a lot of smaller venues, it's actually more space-conscious for us to just put a ton of individual small WC's with a shared sink area (or tiny sinks within the individual WC's.) Your point is taken but I don't think anyone is asking for or realistically expecting the building code to eliminate any notion of gender from washrooms entirely.
All gender bathrooms are not ideal for all situations. Try making stadiums with only those and see how long the lines are for everyone to use the bathroom. When a lot of drinking is involved, it's always better to use some space for urinals and let people through faster. And having used all gender bathrooms, I would not want to use them as a woman having to sit on clearly wet seats. No thanks. Everyone should be able to use the bathroom for whatever gender they identify with but it doesn't mean we need to remove gender from everything and change our infrastructure.
Women have told me that toilets are often wet in public washrooms from 'hovering'.
