All the signs are now gone and so is the parking booth. They're starting to fence it off as well.
Interesting choice for a favorite. Makes me want to start a poll...

Good idea Vegeta... "Favourite under-construction project" poll ... you should get on that. I will be voting L-tower for the record.

Back to Theatre Park: Does anyone have pics of the site all closed off and ready for work to begin? It should be really interesting watching construction on this tower. I am still amazed that they will be fitting a tall tower in that narrow little parking lot.
From the Lamb, via Twitter:

Exciting day with Theatre Park breaking ground! LambDevCorp is proud to bring this iconic tower to the city of Toronto.

It might not have the hype of the various Harbour/York St towers, nor is it a super tall, but I think this will be one of the sexiest buildings in TO.
