In this first picture what's that black 'ramp' sticking out from a floor - like a balcony? I've seen this on other buildings. I wonder what keeps it from tipping over and out. :confused: And prevents it from causing that floor space to dip...or is concrete dried fully by now...

They use these ramps as a point to deliver materials to each floor such as the windows, jacks, HVAC supplies, etc. It is firmly secured/bolted on the inside. The concrete is more than sufficiently cured.
They're usually held in place with floor jacks (they have a long beam on either side that rests on the floors, and they put half a dozen jacks between the top of the beam and the underside of the ceiling). They can and will cause the floors to sag, which is why they usually put an additional set of jacks on the floor directly below and in line with the ramp.
Stunning glass! Cant wait to see more. Thanks To All who have been posting pictures for this project.
Yes, the glass is amazing. This is a really promising moment. The tower is going to be a beauty.
Went to Les Miz on Tuesday (sorry no photos) and I counted approx. 22 floors (or there I'm not corrected 10 times that I'm wrong lol)!

The glass looks awesome
I've got to admit, I've taken a complete u-turn on my initial dislike of this project. My fears that we were just going to get a grey-mullioned window wall Murano clone dropped next to this wonderful old theatre appear to be unfounded. It feels good to be wrong!
I've got to admit, I've taken a complete u-turn on my initial dislike of this project. My fears that we were just going to get a grey-mullioned window wall Murano clone dropped next to this wonderful old theatre appear to be unfounded. It feels good to be wrong!

Knowing what a perfectionist, Brad Lamb is -- and the fact that he is choosing to live here -- I knew this was going to be amazing. Btw, what's with that one dark panel to the right?

How many floors are left until this is topped out? It's too bad this won't be 50 storeys; as originally planned. What difference would 3 storeys make at that height that city planners felt the need to reduce the height? It's ridiculous that it was chopped down to 47.
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Knowing what a perfectionist, Brad Lamb is -- and the fact that he is choosing to live here -- I knew this was going to be amazing. Btw, what's with that one dark panel to the right?

How many floors are left until this is topped out? It's too bad this won't be 50 storeys; as originally planned. What difference would 3 storeys make at that height that city planners felt the need to reduce the height? It's ridiculous that it was chopped down to 47.

Brad's not living here. Check out his twitter account in the last couple of weeks. He is renovating a property on Richmond East.
Brad's not living here. Check out his twitter account in the last couple of weeks. He is renovating a property on Richmond East.

I'm not into Twitter. Last I heard was that he was going to live in the Penthouse -- or maybe just own it. I'm sure he probably has several properties.

The tower must be around the half way point now, no?

It will be interesting to see how the podium glass will look. Hopefully that will come soon.
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