I'm talking about the backside of the bands. That's what resident see, but window cleaners can't. And the bands are white so dirt will be more visible.

OK that I could see will very likely be an issue, you're right, sorry I misunderstood.

March 30


As you can see in Drum's photo here, the bands are actually held several inches away from the windows, allowing ample room for cleaners to wipe-down the back sides of them.

I'm really looking forward to when they start adding these to the balconies and seeing how the bands look when lined up with them.
i really cant wait to see the end result of this tower. i know it will b awesome but i am curious to see the penthouse or that mechanical at top.
Looking at those white bands, I'd be very concerned about all the pigeons that would be making it their home and the mess that they'd make.
The cheapening?

Forecourt Before/Original Design:

Latest design as per Brad J Lamb's Twitter Account:
So much for Toronto's other Paley Park... I dont mind the podium box change. I think that was in good taste, but the waterfall and trees were kinda the whole point to this thing no?

I genuinely hope a water feature is reincorporated.
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...but the waterfall and trees were kinda the whole point to this thing no?
The water feature seems to be gone but I don't see any difference with the trees. I'll admit that I never thought that the waterfall would make it through to construction, so I'm not terribly disappointed about that.
Tbh that mini pool never looked like anything other than a drunks giant puddle to jump in. The loss of the waterfall is unfortunate though. It probably would have created a bit of a mist at that size, which woulda been neat, but probably deemed a nuasance to condo owners who have to walk by it to get home.
The water feature seems to be gone but I don't see any difference with the trees. I'll admit that I never thought that the waterfall would make it through to construction, so I'm not terribly disappointed about that.

Sorry I should have been clearer. Imo the trees work together better with the waterfall. Alone they work sorta but seem more like tokenism. Not bad just not as great
