It'd be great if they mandate black blinds facing outside.

Great for who? Certainly not the residents with much higher power bills, or if they have no A/C, sweltering units caused by black blinds.
Great looking building, although if I were buying here I sure wouldn't want a unit with one of those horizontal bands at eye level.
Beauty always has a cost. haha.

It does. As beautiful as these glass boxes may be. They are a nightmare when you look at cost of heating and AC. I have lived in a glass box and a well insulated brick/stucco building and the savings are huge. Especially if you have a southern unit which gets very hot during the summer. Beautiful looking building. Couldn't live there, though.
It'd be great if they mandate black blinds facing outside.

Many condo documents stipulate white blinds facing out in order to achieve some uniformity. White being reflective, it will help somewhat in cooling by reflecting sunlight. There are a number of good window shade products that will help with keeping a place cool in the summer - even in the winter when the sun is lower in the sky.

I wouldn't be surprised if the residents decided to have them removed.

As the bands are on the outside of the building, they are part of the facade. An individual suite owner can't just have them arbitrarily removed. It's not like one band is going to block an entire window.
As the bands are on the outside of the building, they are part of the facade. An individual suite owner can't just have them arbitrarily removed. It's not like one band is going to block an entire window.

I meant collectively, through a decision of the board of directors, of course. Not that I would advocate it, the bands are an attractive feature, but if they bother enough owners it remains a possibility.
Screencap from a video in this story on the front page


this is a very creative shot and this building is just gorgeous.
I meant collectively, through a decision of the board of directors, of course. Not that I would advocate it, the bands are an attractive feature, but if they bother enough owners it remains a possibility.

Well, my guess is that they won't be doing that any time soon. As noted, the bands don't block any views entirely.

One can only imagine the special assessment that would be necessary in order to strip elements off the building.
Originally Posted by Ryan_T
It'd be great if they mandate black blinds facing outside.

If they wanted the contrast, they should have just used a smoked glass from the beginning.

One can only imagine the special assessment that would be necessary in order to strip elements off the building.

That would be like Aaron Spelling having Farrah Fawcett's head shaved mid-season of Charlie's Angels.
I don't have pictures but when i was there sunday night (june 8th) some balcony treatments facing king st with the white bands were visible/installed.
I meant collectively, through a decision of the board of directors, of course. Not that I would advocate it, the bands are an attractive feature, but if they bother enough owners it remains a possibility.

It's the owners' responsibility to take into account things that may affect their living experience, things such as neighbouring buildings and/or to-be-developed lots, and in this case design flourishes. If any owners are bothered by the bands it's their own damn faults, and they deserve to be thrown off the balcony. I'm sick of these twatty condo owners who buy in to a building and then complain about something that would've been so painfully obvious had they opened their stupid eyes.

I know I'm getting mad at theoretical people right now, but unfortunately people as stupid as described somehow exist, and even more bafflingly can manage to afford a condo.
No need to get angry or upset, the bands are staying. Forever. Dead issue.
