Feb 11, 2020

I hope they ban spanderel like they banned asbestos. That $h!t has poisonous effects on the look of a building.
They aren't going to ban a building material because it's ugly in certain applications, get real.
Also, spandrel does not always equal bad. A blanket ban for a building material is only ever gonna fly if it puts lives in danger. You know, like asbestos. Comparing the two, even when it's clear hyperbole, is ridiculous.
They aren't going to ban a building material because it's ugly in certain applications, get real.
Also, spandrel does not always equal bad. A blanket ban for a building material is only ever gonna fly if it puts lives in danger. You know, like asbestos. Comparing the two, even when it's clear hyperbole, is ridiculous.

Spandrel glass in a window-wall system is nowhere near as effective as a truly insulated solid wall - lower insulating value and a lot more thermal bridging.
With stricter code requirements, I actually think we'll start to see spandrel glass wiped out by solid-wall assemblies with punched windows, and higher-quality glazing systems that are more effective. Or at least one can dream.
