Jun 30, 2021


The window-wall here is no worse than what they're using at The Well, which is/was supposed to be a signature project. Shrug/
I think @condovo's point is Time and Space gets a disproportionate amount of hate for its window wall. Meanwhile, supposedly flagship projects like The Well get away with some fairly ugly window wall because of the project's overall aura. Sure, T&S is not looking promising, but what can you expect from a mass market production building? Every time people are triggered about a cheap, ugly building on this forum makes me laugh because it's like they were born yesterday with each new project.
I think @condovo's point is Time and Space gets a disproportionate amount of hate for its window wall. Meanwhile, supposedly flagship projects like The Well get away with some fairly ugly window wall because of the project's overall aura. Sure, T&S is not looking promising, but what can you expect from a mass market production building? Every time people are triggered about a cheap, ugly building on this forum makes me laugh because it's like they were born yesterday with each new project.

Err, not looking ugly? As unfortunate as the window wall at the Well is, the overall ensemble (even taking only the resdential portion into account) far exceeds what this project will deliver. The former sounds ike a sour note; this sounds like bad music. Whether it is mass production or not has little to do with it - considering how much mass production condos we have in this city, and a decent portion - imperfect as they are - didn't end up looking like dog's breakfast.

My objection isn't that it is cheap and ugly, or even that it will block my view. It's that it's so huge and will mostly be full of parked cars.

I should probably actually say that it will be mostly full of empty parking spots, since so many people living in buildings in this area don't have cars.
How many spots will this building have? It can't be more than .3 per unit given the location...
My objection isn't that it is cheap and ugly, or even that it will block my view. It's that it's so huge and will mostly be full of parked cars.
Let's also not forget about the hulking mass of this turd. Pemberton could've chosen to design a complete block filled with local amenities, shops, some open green/POPs space, etc. This site is huge and could've accommodated all that, as it almost rivals the size of The Well.

But what do we get instead, an ill-conceived mass of tower blocks haphazardly joined together just for density's sake and to squeeze as much profit as they can from this site.

As i've said before; this development is nothing but a waste of Time and Space as it's a wasted opportunity.
I think @condovo's point is Time and Space gets a disproportionate amount of hate for its window wall. Meanwhile, supposedly flagship projects like The Well get away with some fairly ugly window wall because of the project's overall aura. Sure, T&S is not looking promising, but what can you expect from a mass market production building? Every time people are triggered about a cheap, ugly building on this forum makes me laugh because it's like they were born yesterday with each new project.
There is no real comparison here. The "hate" for T&S is well deserved until they do something to redeem that. As for The Well, it's already made those concessions in droves. So all you are really left with are the opinions that The Well is not your thing, but somehow this project is.
^^^ The window-wall at The Well isn't any better than the window-wall here. The Well is supposed to be a flagship project. Time & Space never had such pretensions. The Well gets fawned over on UT, undeservedly. Time & Space gets trashed, probably deservedly. But at the end of the day, the window-wall treatment at both projects is crap and the fawning over The Well probably should stop and the trashing of Time & Space probably should calm down.
I don't think I've said anything about the Well, other than that I am excited to see what the market/food hall area looks like. But I will never stop trashing Time & Space for building a 10 storey above ground parking garage, whatever it is wrapped with.
^^^ The window-wall at The Well isn't any better than the window-wall here. The Well is supposed to be a flagship project. Time & Space never had such pretensions. The Well gets fawned over on UT, undeservedly. Time & Space gets trashed, probably deservedly. But at the end of the day, the window-wall treatment at both projects is crap and the fawning over The Well probably should stop and the trashing of Time & Space probably should calm down.
And you seem rather bitter about that. So this likely comes down to opinions...ones which we'll unlikely ever agree to.
Isn't the window-wall at The Well mostly surrounded by red brick? I'd have loved to see red brick here. Also, the spandrel colour there seems to better blend in with the windows than the light grey used here. Plus basically everything else about that project is way better than this one. They're not really comparable in any way.
Isn't the window-wall at The Well mostly surrounded by red brick? I'd have loved to see red brick here. Also, the spandrel colour there seems to better blend in with the windows than the light grey used here. Plus basically everything else about that project is way better than this one. They're not really comparable in any way.

Indeed - and not just spandrel colour - but also the colour of the frames and the size of the windows and spandrel panes, in the context of how broadly it is applied. There are also window walls at the Well south towers, but they are rather discreet in the typical aA fashion. Window walls can look fine - but they just look awful when handled badly.

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