Ward 30 - Tor & E.York District

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Draft Plan of Subdivision for 3 Development Blocks (a master planned 7-acre employment campus. Total gross floor area of up to 82,000 m2)
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---

Type Number Date Submitted Status
Subdivision Approval 17 137249 STE 30 SB Mar 31, 2017 Application Received
Rezoning 17 137240 STE 30 OZ Mar 31, 2017 Application Received
Architect is Quadrangle:




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Cool design. I just showed it to my colleagues here at work; most of us have worked at 171 Eastern at one time or another - mostly ambivalent reactions. Personally I'm sad to see another east-end film & television production facility bite the dust - yet happy as a local resident to see new development along Eastern Avenue. I must say however these shiny new odes to car culture springing up in the east end strike an ironic, discordant note. In a city where less and less people are actually using cars to get to and from work, it's kind of odd. On the other hand, it speaks volumes about how the demographics of the core are changing up in favour of the wealthier classes.
From the Architectural Plans:


There is a lot more proposed for the site - 2x 12s and 1x 9s building plus a 4s podium of sorts. This GM building is only half the site, and it's not a bad use for this stretch.



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Drawings show that one of those North buildings will try and incorporate the existing heritage buildings on site

It's certainly a massive site. I like how it looks along Lake Shore, for that matter. A little bit of much-needed pizazz for that stretch.
Wow.. Fantastic news that GM's mobility hub will be located downtown, and add to a dreary stretch of Lake Shore.

This is another big win for Toronto's AI/Tech scene.
This is exciting news. It's not a tall tower downtown, but just as important. It looks like this part of the city is going to be a business hub, especially since it's not too far from East Harbour.
Nor is it far from various film production facilities - 30 Booth Street, Revival on Eastern, and the biggest one of 'em all, Pinewood. There's also a studio on the south side of Lake Shore between Carlaw and Leslie that's dedicated almost exclusively to the production of television commercials. This area is going to be mixed use for quite some time - residential, commercial - and, yes, business.
