What an odd report. They (CBC) approached a random person, asked if she heard about the development, she said yes. The reporter suggests GM didn't do enough community consultation. Really?! As if they were supposed to personally inform every person in the city about their plan.
Glad it's moving ahead.

No kidding. From the article:

A community notice recently went out announcing that GM will begin demolition on buildings at 721 Eastern Ave. by the end of the month, but [name], who has lived the neighbourhood for seven years, said she was surprised to hear the company's plans for the site.

"I think it's an unfortunate use of the space. I think it could be more community use, and this is just industrial from what I understand and just a place for other people in the city to come an look at cars or whatever."

Notices would have been sent out to area residents within a certain radius from the project, plus there are more community uses with this proposal than what was there before. There was at least one public meeting on record as well.

No kidding. From the article:

Notices would have been sent out to area residents within a certain radius from the project, plus there are more community uses with this proposal than what was there before. There was at least one public meeting on record as well.

Also, why should GM offer community use in a property zoned for industrial use?
Just shoddy reporting.
Also, why should GM offer community use in a property zoned for industrial use?
Just shoddy reporting.

I have no problem with the notion that a development should be a good neighbour in this case given it is at a transition site - but I think the proposal has more than satisfied in this regard.


I feel it would be better to not preserve anything of this infamous complex that contaminated the entire neighbourhood and affected 1000s of lives over the decades in operation.
Surprise surprise... GM’s forward-thinking-Mobility-Hub speak is just corporate greenwash from a traditional, obdurate automaker:

I loved working at 721 a few years back. Ten minute walk, tops. Great commute! But not at all sad to see it all go. Wish there was something else going in there rather than a car complex but I'm intrigued by the renders all the same.
It appears that work on this site has not progressed since the last update in February, 2020. Does anyone know why?
It appears that work on this site has not progressed since the last update in February, 2020. Does anyone know why?
...it came up kind of opaquely in Councillor Fletcher's questions to the Chief Planner yesterday about the EAST HARBOUR site at P&H...

Timestamp (04:51:02) -

Much talk of "Contagion spreading along south of Eastern Ave" if EAST HARBOUR gets their Residential/Mixed zoning via MZO, etc.
...it came up kind of opaquely in Councillor Fletcher's questions to the Chief Planner yesterday about the EAST HARBOUR site at P&H...

Timestamp (04:51:02) -

Much talk of "Contagion spreading along south of Eastern Ave" if EAST HARBOUR gets their Residential/Mixed zoning via MZO, etc.

I realize the language sounds inflammatory; but I have a great deal of sympathy for it.

All those people who need housing, also need jobs.
The employment use can't be easily shifted; and if it were, it would probably be to a greefield site in Vaughan or some such thing.
It's important to say that many employment options can co-exist with residential; but it's equally important to admit others can't.
It''s not merely whether or not a resident could tolerate noise outside, sometimes at night etc etc.
It's a matter of whether the land value no longer permits a land-intensive use.

I'm pro-housing, but not at the cost of everything that makes an area viable.

Some mixed-use is fine; but balance is a legitimate concern.
I realize the language sounds inflammatory; but I have a great deal of sympathy for it.

All those people who need housing, also need jobs.
The employment use can't be easily shifted; and if it were, it would probably be to a greefield site in Vaughan or some such thing.
I don’t have any sympathy for the language.

That aside, perhaps the city itself could be more flexible when it comes to promoting mixed uses - and making all zoned areas more porous in general. The fact that our Neighbourhoods are off limits to anything but residential is something the city/planning could consider (but won’t).
This should not be built. I mean seriously... a "mobility" campus? What kind of "mobility" is GM promoting? It's cars. We don't need need any more car dealerships.
