FWIW, I would never buy a unit with a balcony. Not worth the money; not for the extra "floor space", nor the extra energy cost of the heat that gets radiated from it. I wish there were more balcony-free options in this city.

I'd also look for a building that has minimal-to-no amenities and low condo fees.
At the construction location they has shut down the parking lot, moved in a construction trailer, and started the move in equipment. Question - Can they dig through the winter or will they be forced to wait until the spring to begin?
yup they can dig in winter time. Frozen ground can still be dug with equipment, and below the first few feet, the ground isn't frozen anyway.
yup they can dig in winter time. Frozen ground can still be dug with equipment, and below the first few feet, the ground isn't frozen anyway.
I have been told that it is actually easier to excavate very wet ground when it IS frozen and it is doubtless quite damp on this site.
FWIW, I would never buy a unit with a balcony. Not worth the money; not for the extra "floor space", nor the extra energy cost of the heat that gets radiated from it. I wish there were more balcony-free options in this city.

I'd also look for a building that has minimal-to-no amenities and low condo fees.

You'd be surprised. Some buildings out there have very little amenities but the condo fees are high. It's not really about the amenities and more about the amount of units to share the costs.
Well sure, you can better amortize more amenities over more units, but the quality and type of amenities still have a huge amount to do with the monthly maintenance fees. If you like the more luxurious amenity offerings, you better choose a huge building or complex to spread the costs out!

Buildings that have high fees but few amenities indicate that something is wrong, either that an older building was not sufficiently funding their capital reserve, or there's been some huge problem in a new building that the owners now have to pony up for.

I happened to be traveling by the site yesterday and noticed something interesting. First of all, there is a lot more equipment on location as well as two construction trailers. It also appears that they have begun digging/drilling a little. The interesting part of this is that from what I observed the majority of the digging is not in the area of the tower. It is in the area where the next phase of development is planned.

This got me thinking. I know that in addition to underground parking for residents they are also planning public parking on this site. Also, they will eventually need parking for the residents of the final phase of development. Is it possible that they intend to create one underground parking structure that will be for all remaining development?
It's possible for a developer to build parking for future phases. It's a huge upfront cost for them to consider with not much reward. This could also be for anything. That said, I wonder if any of the phases will be rental.
It's possible for a developer to build parking for future phases. It's a huge upfront cost for them to consider with not much reward. This could also be for anything. That said, I wonder if any of the phases will be rental.
The development at 177 Front East (Sobey/Acura) will probably be built in several phases and here too there is talk of doing all the excavation and building all the underground parts in Phase 1. This does certainly cost $$ but means that people moving into Phase 1 will not be faced with excavation and so much constriction outside after they move in and there are economies of scale too.

Great shots. Thanks. Nice to see progress, but also shows how much work is left to he done to the eastern waterfront towards beautification.

And it's slated to head in that direction, thankfully -- there will be no less than four new public parks/spaces visible from that very vantage once all planned developments are constructed.
And it's slated to head in that direction, thankfully -- there will be no less than four new public parks/spaces visible from that very vantage once all planned developments are constructed.
Yeah, I spose that's the plan. I'm still stuck on Redpath though. I just think it looks like hell here. Perhaps more development will hide and soften it.
any idea why there is pile driving further east beyond the tower footprint? are they building the garage further east belowground than the tower, or is it for another building?
