.... The original proposal included 25s, 26s & a 31s towers, 7,500- sq.m. of commercial space and a number of townhouses. An agreement has been reached to reduce the height and density of the project, while also including a minimum of 6%three or more bedrooms in the project. The total number of residential units has been reduced from 1,700 to 1,500 and the heights of the towers dropped to 15s, 20s and 24s. The floorplates for the towers were also reduced, from 800-to-750-sq.m....

These are interesting numbers. While the number of units has been reduced by 200, from 1,700 to 1,500 (approximately 12% reduction), a total of 23 floors have been eliminated in the three towers, going in total from 82 floors to 59 floors - a 28% reduction. Not only that, the floor plates were reduced by 6.25%.

Either the original proposal started out asking for more than the developer actually wanted, especially in unit sizes, or else, in order to keep the number of units up, they will be severely reduced in size, perhaps to what we are now seeing as typical in some of the recently marketed buildings in the downtown core. It is possible the number of townhouse units and the associated amount of floor space has not been changed, and that might be skewing the overall numbers, but it is still a much larger reduction in floor space than in total units.

In this crappy location, I think the developer would be wise to start with the "1 bedrooms from $129,999" price point. It'll become a CP midtown, imho--investors renting out units to working class folk.
The original borg cube proposal was over the top. Once Lawrence Heights is redone, this will become a pretty sweet area.
Are they going to sales in a tanking market? Sounds like it:

Site Plan Approval 10 212376 NNY 15 SA 3083-3085 DUFFERIN ST Jul 5, 2010 Application Submitted Jul 5, 2010 Ward-15
North-District Commercial 640 0 640 0 12132 --- --- Ferguson, Cathie
(416) 395-7117
Temporary sales centre
In this crappy location, I think the developer would be wise to start with the "1 bedrooms from $129,999" price point. It'll become a CP midtown, imho--investors renting out units to working class folk.

Im not working class and I live near here, u know that forest hill north is like a 2 min drive from here right, and that new houses nearby are going for upwards of 1 mill. Dunno if that is working class really... Hard to pidgeon hole an area in Toronto anymore, everything is very random in our city. U get million dollar homes minutes from public housing, and not market rent public housing either. Anyway, I am all for this project, what better a place to put density than near Lawrence west subway station, on the corner of two busy streets, on top of a nasty looking mall strip and parking area.
I know your area well. In fact, I'm certain you live in a building someone I know does, or at least, very close to it. A decade ago I worked nearby (Marlee and Roselawn.) I'm assuming you live in one of those Ridelle towers...?

There's some nice c.1940-50s homes in the area, that due to changing taste are endangered by the vulgar mcmansion set.:(

Finally, Lawrence and Dufferin is not exactly prime real estate, so if priced to sell (under $149,000 to start) they will sell. (I'm basing my idea of the 'hood on Lawrence Square and the cheap housing surrounding area industrial parks.)
Drove by the corner today. The frame for the first floor of the sales center is up already.
I know your area well. In fact, I'm certain you live in a building someone I know does, or at least, very close to it. A decade ago I worked nearby (Marlee and Roselawn.) I'm assuming you live in one of those Ridelle towers...?

There's some nice c.1940-50s homes in the area, that due to changing taste are endangered by the vulgar mcmansion set.:(

Finally, Lawrence and Dufferin is not exactly prime real estate, so if priced to sell (under $149,000 to start) they will sell. (I'm basing my idea of the 'hood on Lawrence Square and the cheap housing surrounding area industrial parks.)

Yeah I live in one of the Ridelle builds presently. I also understand your basis and see where you are coming from. I agree with you on the area not being SUPER prime as it is in a lot of areas around Dufferin, working class, and the mcmansions are not my cup of tea either, in fact they are characterless, but that is kind of besides the point. I have assessed all sorts of multi rez and SFD new houses in this area and builders are not building anything that is NEW for149000, in fact not even close. Unless you find a power of sale /foreclosure situation you wont find 149. Im guessing now around 200 for new in this area for a studio. There are more than just the TCHC area. Ive assessed million dollar houses a block in from Dufferin between Dufferin and Lawrence square and stuff in my area generally starts at 200 for old 1 bed apartments, new for 250 depending on what the condo corp has done to modernize the building...
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ad in the new Condo Guide (Sep 11-25) page 27, looks like the first tower of the project has a name, 'Treviso'....there is a rendering, looks like about 20 storeys with a brick podium....

http://trevisocondos.com not activated yet....
Well I've been wondering what they were building on this corner from some time now. Just today though I saw signs go up for these condos. Something Dolce Villa?
Farily big sales center. Seems like such a waste for something that will end up in a landfill in a year.
This is a huge development. It will be quite a while longer before the sales office is no longer needed. The materials are too valuable to throw everything in landfill as well.
Some new material.

It appears that Treviso will not anchor the corner as earlier renders seemed to imply, but will front entirely on Lawrence. It is the lower-right complex in the site-plan below










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