if dufferin starts to get redeveloped then I think the TTC should consider putting a STREETCAR on this route... Its already one of the busiest BUS routes in the city....

You have got a fair number of places along this route that going to cause all kinds of problems for putting an LRT on Dufferin.

1.) need to remove on street parking.

2.) cannot run in an ROW.

3.) have to tunnel from Dupont to St Clair.

4.) have to tunnel south of Rogers Rd to north of Eglinton

5.) have to tunnel south of Wilson Ave to Wilson Station.

6.) decide if an ROW should be built from Wilson to Castlefield Rd since it wide enough to put one in for this area now.

7.) how to deal with the branch lines that exist today

8.) where do you start cutting service back, as you will not need that much service north of Eglinton.

9.) will never happen of Ford watch.

10.) will never happen under current funding.

TTC tracks were allow for in the new Dufferin underpass. And ROW is plan from Queen to the CNE loop but will be baddly opposed to by the locals.
I wasnt suggesting LRT if anything a streetcar but where possible ROW.... So some of the line seperated (if possible) and other areas in mixed traffic... There is a good chance that all those car dealerships from Eglinton to Wilson will be sold and replaced with CONDOS... If that happens there is going to be a traffic nightmare in the area with all the development from lawrence heights, the development around Wilson station, and yorkdale.. As a result there will need to be an emphisis put on transit otherwise it wil be constant gridlock. A streetcar seems to make the most sense since its an appealing form of public transit and would be able to handle the huge amount of riders that will and is there.
June 18
When I tooked a looked at the rear of the 2nd plaza, its a very deep lot compare to the first plaza, that its north of McDonalds by 2 business.

I have not been in the sales office yet to see what the over all master plan looks like, but based on the 2nd plaza size you could get another 2 phases in as well another one if you go up to MC lot line.

At the end of the day, it will transform this area nicely and loooong over due.





Master Site Plan for the Trevisio Condominiums development:

So are Italians buying here or is it mainly Asian investors who are going to wonder what a bocci court is?
LOL, didn't get anything on Treviso from any of my CREPSO contacts, looks like the Italians would have a free go at it.
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I wasnt suggesting LRT if anything a streetcar but where possible ROW.... So some of the line seperated (if possible) and other areas in mixed traffic... There is a good chance that all those car dealerships from Eglinton to Wilson will be sold and replaced with CONDOS... If that happens there is going to be a traffic nightmare in the area with all the development from lawrence heights, the development around Wilson station, and yorkdale.. As a result there will need to be an emphisis put on transit otherwise it wil be constant gridlock. A streetcar seems to make the most sense since its an appealing form of public transit and would be able to handle the huge amount of riders that will and is there.

I would think in this area you'd have better luck putting in queue jump lanes on Lawrence in order to increase the efficiency of the existing bus routes. Couple that with a mandatory ROW widening as a condition of Site Plan approval on all future projects, to eventually get enough ROW width to put it dedicated bus lanes along the entire route.

Overall, I think trying to improve transit in this area going E-W is a better venture than trying to improve going N-S. Fewer geographic challenges, much different type of development (many more strip malls, etc), and a shorter overall distance to the subway.
I wasnt suggesting LRT if anything a streetcar but where possible ROW.... So some of the line seperated (if possible) and other areas in mixed traffic... There is a good chance that all those car dealerships from Eglinton to Wilson will be sold and replaced with CONDOS... If that happens there is going to be a traffic nightmare in the area with all the development from lawrence heights, the development around Wilson station, and yorkdale.. As a result there will need to be an emphisis put on transit otherwise it wil be constant gridlock. A streetcar seems to make the most sense since its an appealing form of public transit and would be able to handle the huge amount of riders that will and is there.

Streetcar and LRT are the samething, except the LRT are longer and new, as well being low floor. LRT can range from 25m to 45m with a 50 on the drawing board as an articulated car, allowing riders to walk from one end to the other end freely.

I agree that Dufferin needs to be an LRT line now, not when the area becomes a condo area.
Thanks for the master plan.

Its support what I expected what was going to happen on Dufferin St that would see the removal of rest the block from Shoppers north including MC. No more drive through.

The green space is welcome for the area.

I expect phase 4 to be townhomes to match what is east of it. Now if they are townhouse, they should be build alone the line that you would find back in the old country.

Having a daycare is welcome addition to the area as well, as that is one thing that gets over look these days.

I don't expect to see to many Italians buying into this project as they keep heading north these days. When I lived at Eglinton, it was very, Italian compare to what there now.
I hope whatever goes between this project and the townhouses is NOT MORE TOWNHOUSES! I think the density of these buildings are great and will bring some more pedestrian activity to the area.. Townhouses rarely achieve that. However more density with ground floor retail of substance should help out alot. The West side of Dufferin also has massive potential for redevelopment as does just south of Lawrence.
Streetcars and LRT may technically be the same, but can be implement so differently that they appear to be two different and distinct modes of transport. (ie. Calgary C-Train vs. TTC streetcar)
To be honest I wouldnt see a problem with elevated LRT on every TC line and in places like Dufferin. These areas are not urban paradises. An elevated Lrt will Not Destroy the neighbourhood. Infact any decent transit alternative will only benefit the area. Id prefer in median because I think It would be cheaper to construct, easier to make handicap accessable, and less of a eye sore. That being said TRANSIT is NEEDED and if the only way to get it is to not start a "war on cars" by making it elevated I am ok with that. I was on dufferin the other day and I couldnt believe how congested it was.
Dec 25
I see they finally got around to tearing down the plaza building as it was still up in early Nov when I drop by.
