credit to tomryaboi:
Anyone know who the wire-walker is? (I don't believe it's Tom.)

Is it sanctioned? I have trouble believing the builder would allow something like this on a site that has already seen a construction fatality from falls.

That's crazy!! It can't be allowed. I guess that's the appeal of doing something illegal and risky for those into addreneline rushes.
I was just thinking of that. That's incredibly insensitive given the unfortunate history of the site. That's disappointing to see an UT admin getting on board with it.
That is really crazy. I don't think that Edward is getting on board with it by posting the photos here. He is just informing us about the craziness that someone did.
How was that person able to string that rope across the two buildings without the builders knowing? Don't they have security there and wouldn't that take a while to set up? This was also done during the day when people would be on site. Something doesn't add up here.
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He doesn't have even a sefty belt attaching on string incase he falls off.. I like photo capturing skyline behind him but don't like risky business he is doing..
He doesn't have even a sefty belt attaching on string incase he falls off.. I like photo capturing skyline behind him but don't like risky business he is doing..

Yeah, stunts like these can give the infiltration crowd bad names - and I am sure the builders will be more vigilant with cracking down on trespassers.

That's his choice to take risks. Just because you're averse to it, doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to do what they like - as long as it doesn't endanger anyone else.

Also, you can definitely see a harness on him tied to the rope.
That's his choice to take risks. Just because you're averse to it, doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to do what they like - as long as it doesn't endanger anyone else.

Also, you can definitely see a harness on him tied to the rope.

Not really - in case he falls, someone has to scrape him off the ground. Some risks are not necessarily his to take.

Not really - in case he falls, someone has to scrape him off the ground. Some risks are not necessarily his to take.


That's his choice to take risks. Just because you're averse to it, doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to do what they like - as long as it doesn't endanger anyone else.

Also, you can definitely see a harness on him tied to the rope.
