Lots of skaters at the skate park yesterday - the dramatic overpass probably adds to the fun. Shows that kids will use official infrastructure rather than damage public places if you give them stuff that's well-designed. Maybe the city should open official graffiti parks? Concrete slabs that are meant to be drawn on - and not sponsored murals or whatnot. Actual spaces where graffiti artists can compete with one another to create organically changing designs.

In a perfect world that would work really well. There are a lot of graffiti artists that are exactly that: artists. They create wonderful work although sometimes break laws in the process. But for every one of those skilled artists, there is a gang tagger...and they don't take too kindly to being painted over. I see an public space where graffiti is encouraged working only if there is a law enforcement presence, like the cameras used in the (former) club district.
The abandoned linseed oil factory at Lansdowne and Dundas is basically an open canvas (although one must trespass to use it). It has some beauty to it but the barbed wire fences and "No Trespassing" signs tend to deter the less adventurous...not to mention the squatters. See for yourself
Glad to hear it's finally open - now I can get down there and take some shots of the LED lighting :)
I was down there this afternoon and I saw 4 kids in the playground, 3 kids using the basketball courts and about 10 kids in the skateboard park, so it's already being well used.

I was down there this afternoon and I saw 4 kids in the playground, 3 kids using the basketball courts and about 10 kids in the skateboard park, so it's already being well used.

I was down there last night and saw a large exodus of skater kids leaving the skate park and promptly tipping over a Canada Post box a block west on King at St Lawrence.... I think underpass park is a great addition to the neighbourhood - but it really stinks when a few bad apples decide to shit on the infrastructure provided to them by taxpayers.
These pictures are of the second phase of Underpass Park which is west of St. Lawrence Street. BTW, the St. Lawrence edge of the first phase will be open at the end of September making it a little less isolated. Baby steps. Photos taken 1 September 2012.




Thank you for these great shots, rdander! Haven't been down here in awhile. Loving the new look on this corner vs. the horribly unkept auto-service stations here previously. This whole area is on the upswing, and seems to be improving by the day! Looking forward to Old Eastern Ave being completed and opened in a few months, too.

The last time I visited UPP, however, some of the trees were dying. Very discouraging. Does anyone think to regularly water newly planted trees (with no real root system established yet) during a very hot and sunny summer? Would have done it myself if I could haha. I guess its "survival of the fittest" haha. The grasses seem okay :)

Saw some of the larger planted trees in Lawren Harris Square turning, too. Hope they come back next year in the Spring rather than have to be replaced! Will find out next year (fingers crossed).
Question: Does anyone know if Lawren Harris Square will have pavers, granite or otherwise, installed where the benches are located down the middle? I'm hoping that its not going to be just the grey-black gravel. Sherbourne Common has this type of gravel in places and it looks very messy and unkept, although I see where the planners were going with it. I've worked in garden design before and thought should be made not only to the architecture and design of the outdoor space in its newly created form, but also to "maintaining" these spaces to keep them beautiful!
My understanding is that there will be a hardscape- I don't quite recall where I've gotten that piece of info from, but I will post that on here if I did.

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Awesome, thank you AoD. Can't wait until UPP Phase 2, Lawren Harris Square, and Don River Park all open up! There will be great views of the downtown skyline from all of these spaces. And hopefully, by this time next year, sitting on a park bench with my family watching the sunset over the City :)
My understanding is that there will be a hardscape- I don't quite recall where I've gotten that piece of info from, but I will post that on here if I did. AoD

It looks VERY final to me and is more like a sand than the (fine) gravel at Sherbourne Common. What is interesting is why the Square has not been opened (only the lights seem to need to be installed) and why the trees are loosing their leaves - did someone forget to turn on the irrigation system?
I believe that the crushed gravel is final too. It's used often in Paris, and I've been assuming that's the precedent inspiring its use here.

