iphone shots of Underpass Park







The December 2011 WT Design Review Panel Minutes have a statement "Christopher Glaisek, Waterfront Toronto’s Vice President for Planning and Design, provided a summary of project progress.

Underpass Park
• Play equipment has been installed and funding has been found for block 18

Block 18 is the block west of St Lawrence Street and it's great they have found the $$ to finish off the park as planned.
This isn't of that spontaneous ilk, though. This is more like that gated dogwalking compound at the north end of Allen Gardens. Sit. Stay. Play.
An update to The West Don Lands
The contract to repair the concrete support columns above Underpass Park has been awarded and they were busily marking the damaged sections today:

From WT website: "Engineering Review/Inspection Services for Surface Repairs to Concrete Support Columns at Underpass Park – AECOM Canada Limited (Contract Value Code A)"

It seems odd to me that these repairs were not done before or during the work on the park but the columns are really not in bad condition so I guess the repairs won't take too long and that they will start as soon as the weather warms up a bit. With Lower River Street about to open it would be good to have Underpass Park open, if only as a way to more easily reach Don RiverPpark.

WT also apparently has the $$ to complete the section of this part WEST of St Lawrence Street and they seem to be gearing up for that, the wooden fences are gone.
^^ Those lights change colours and patterns. I hope they paint those cement columns white, so the colours show even better. Right now the are spray painted where they require repairs, so once it's repaired, I'm sure they will paint them.
I think this looks like a great space, and something I personally never would have thought I would see in Toronto.
