You have to pick and choose your battles. If someone else profited from your work. Ya that's not fair and I'd probably try to fight back, but a poster like that? I bet the event itself barely profits and probably is underpaying everyone involved. Really depends on the scope of things.
Printing colour posters isn't exactly cheap, and it's a commercial event so the breakeven argument doesn't fly with me. It's not even about getting monetary compensation back - it's about using one's work in a non-sanctioned, unacknowledged manner as if it is one's right that's problematical.

Robin Hood stole proceeds from the rich all the time and gave them to the poor. Was Errol Flynn ever prosecuted for this?

And Robin Hood isn't running parties anywhere.

FWIW, I emailed the artist yesterday evening just to notify him about the poster. Haven't heard back just yet

*Edit: 11:15 AM

Heard back from the artist. The image was indeed stolen and he is taking action.
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I thought about this project the other day, and I'm guessing that since the casino component was shot down that the entire project is DOA? That's disappointing, because I would have figured they could have found a way to make a project like that work, even without the casino component.
I thought about this project the other day, and I'm guessing that since the casino component was shot down that the entire project is DOA? That's disappointing, because I would have figured they could have found a way to make a project like that work, even without the casino component.

John Tory speaking up last week about wanting a much larger convention centre makes me think there are still possibilities here.
Star editorial on it too.
Convention centres are always high up on the list when it comes to economic development. I'd take his commentary with a grain of salt. It's an investment with diminishing returns as there's just too many competing facilities now. The city has also spent a lot of time and resources upgrading the Enercare/Allstream complex to be a convention facility instead of just an exhibition hall.
Cmon, this has gone too off topic. Are we going to keep bumping this thread with no real news?
Convention centres are always high up on the list when it comes to economic development. I'd take his commentary with a grain of salt. It's an investment with diminishing returns as there's just too many competing facilities now. The city has also spent a lot of time and resources upgrading the Enercare/Allstream complex to be a convention facility instead of just an exhibition hall.

MTCC - 600,000 sq ft - makes it tied for 32nd place among large convention centres in North America.

Toronto needs a larger convention centre, there is no doubt about that, however, Oxford holds the key because as long as the existing convention centre exists, one could not build another one even of greater size due to the limited number of conventions that might need such a large one.

This will all hinge on Oxford being able to redevelop the whole site - including at least one office tower - to make it financially feasible. Unfortunately we have a plethora of office project both planned and approved without enough demand to build them all. My guess is Oxford is in no rush to do anything with "Oxford Place" for quite some time.

Oxford will likely use the city's need/desire for a larger convention centre as a negotiating "chip" when they are looking for approval for whatever project they bring forward
I think Oxford's actually out on it's own with this one. The city could easily build something large enough at the exhibition grounds, or potentially Ontario Place. Why line the pockets of Oxford when you don't need to right?
MTCC - 600,000 sq ft - makes it tied for 32nd place among large convention centres in North America.

Toronto needs a larger convention centre, there is no doubt about that, however, Oxford holds the key because as long as the existing convention centre exists, one could not build another one even of greater size due to the limited number of conventions that might need such a large one.

This will all hinge on Oxford being able to redevelop the whole site - including at least one office tower - to make it financially feasible. Unfortunately we have a plethora of office project both planned and approved without enough demand to build them all. My guess is Oxford is in no rush to do anything with "Oxford Place" for quite some time.

Oxford will likely use the city's need/desire for a larger convention centre as a negotiating "chip" when they are looking for approval for whatever project they bring forward

Oh, for Pete's sake. I repeat. There are too many convention centres now competing in space that isn't exactly growing. The Enercare/Allstream complex functions as a convention venue now. It is over a million square feet but obviously didn't make the list as this list is of (public) convention facilities with the city name in it.

We have planned supertalls that have a good chance of breaking ground with many others being rumoured. There is no reason to cling to some concept drawings released 3 years ago that was never going anywhere.
Anyone have any news at all on this site? Last we heard was the casino proposal, right? Such a prime piece of land. Wonder what is going to happen.
If there was news, trust, me, it would get posted.

There's a 570ish room, 4 star hotel, 500000+ square feet of office space and, a convention centre facility. There's a lot of income being generated by what is there now.
I was hoping this would happen. If so the tracks would be continuously covered from Bathurst to Yonge essentially. Imagine if all the public and private parties to these various projects worked together to collaborate resulting in a public good that is beneficial to them as well as the city and its people. Oh to dream...
