Sure would be sweet, wouldn't it. A grand gesture for the city... a nice big linear swatch of green downtown.
It would be fantastic if they could eventually extend it all the way to the DVP.

How tall were these twins suppose to be?
well, a brainstorm in consideration of the city approving casinos. It could still materialize into an actual proposal with a few modifications but, I wouldn't hold my breath.
It would be fantastic if they could eventually extend it all the way to the DVP.

How tall were these twins suppose to be?

There was actually an unofficial (i.e. third-party spec job, IIRC) alternate Gardiner East proposal that included a decking solution of sorts basically east of Yonge to the DVP.
There was actually an unofficial (i.e. third-party spec job, IIRC) alternate Gardiner East proposal that included a decking solution of sorts basically east of Yonge to the DVP.
Brook McIlroy's firm pitched this scheme for decking over the eastern Gardiner Expressway, adjacent to the rail corridor, which seemed like a best-case scenario for one of the City's worst decisions (rebuilding the east Gardiner).
The problem with the East side is accessibility - having to go up 4-6 sets of stairs to get to a park isn't ideal. The Gardiner really needs to be buried, and the space under the rail tracks carved out for public uses.
The Gardiner won't be buried, won't be decked with a park, nor will a park over the rail corridor happen east of Downtown: getting the money to do the west side—where both the topography and the existing land use is far more amenable to building and using this park—will be enough of a trick. It would be great to see Oxford restart their proposal, and get the park carried up as far as Simcoe Street, but good luck to us all in getting that too.

The east side plans? Not a chance.

Looks like there may finally be some legitimate movement on this file.. Looks like Oxford is aiming for expansion in the next few years including decking over the rail corridor. Looks like they might angle for some government money to build the convention centre.

With RBC moving out of offices in this area I wonder how much of 325 Front is occupied (the mid-rise portion) which Oxford also owns. If this is also incorporated into the convention center they could stage the construction to avoid a complete shut-down for years (killing the hotel industry)
- tear down 325 Front
- dig down & build the subterranean convention center
- build hotel/offices
- build deck

- shut down all or part of the old convention center
- rebuild and link with 325 Front underground (people will think it's one huge building)
- build connections north to south under the tracks again for more connectivity between the convention halls

Since the large halls can be subterranean there can be more at-grade connections to the rail corridor/Rogers Center (and more at-grade retail for Oxford to rent out)
Was RBC ever in 325 Front, the data - center / industrial space ? (4 story building) I think it's pretty empty right now
From above:

“It is not going to be two years from now, we are hoping it will be between two and six, we can see redeveloping this entire block.”

The Oxford chief is inspired by the $12.5 billion Hudson Yards development, 18 million square feet of commercial and residential space that will be the largest private real estate development in U.S. history.

“You could put spectacular retail along Front St. and then scale office, (residential) and the rest,” Hutcheson said. “This could be one of the biggest development sites in the country, which could be a 10-year project.”

Definitely replacing the whole South side of Front Street with a more urban development will have massive benefits for the area. If possible- they should include the low-rise portions of 325 Front St W in any redevelopment.

A second benefit would be finally getting a newer, more unified convention centre out of this.
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“We are talking to the premier, we are talking to our mayor, we are talking to anybody who cares to listen. This convention centre is ranked like 39th I think now on the continent.”
