I think what is happening here is Oxford is responsible for the design of the portion east of John street, (the soopertalls) while the casino is free to do what it wants with the portion west of John. I look forward to some more detailed designs for the sands design. So the two western towers are up for a redesign, but the office / condo towers remain the same.

My understanding, is that Oxford puts in 3 billion and Sands 2 billion for a total of 5 billion......not too shabby
It would be the biggest re-development in Toronto history.
also there is the DRL which metrolinx seems to be budgeting $7.3 billion for.. if they do both phases at once like they seem to be suggesting it would blow all of these projects out of the water.

I also have to wonder how much money Concord has sunk into Cityplace.. probably in the $4-5 billion range to build 18 towers.
This is one project that I really want to happen. The twin towers are beauties.





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Whoah!! Where did the additional renders come from?? Are they for real? :eek:
...My God.

Come hither; oh, come hither.

edit: If anyone can help me/us situate these shots, it'd be really appreciated. The first one, for example, is the corner of Front and...? Or am I totally off? Thanks!
I may or may have not peed my pants. The only thing that concerns me is the very 'pod-ular' design of the podium/casino/mall/thing and some of the towers.
...My God.

Come hither; oh, come hither.

edit: If anyone can help me/us situate these shots, it'd be really appreciated. The first one, for example, is the corner of Front and...? Or am I totally off? Thanks!

I think the first one is Front & University, looking west along Front?
Of course if the city and province approves a casino what is approved is not a look of a casino, but a rough building envelope and land use. It could look like Rama meets University Plaza. The renderings are an advertisement.
Of course if the city and province approves a casino what is approved is not a look of a casino, but a rough building envelope and land use. It could look like Rama meets University Plaza. The renderings are an advertisement.

The Sands wouldn't construct something appalling like Rama here..lol
1. front and simcoe looking south-west
2. from the first couple of floors of the Ritz looking south
3.inside the mall, looks like it is between the two towers
4.looking west on the park on top of the tracks
5.front and john street, looking south-west
...added my two cents in blue font bellow.

...My God.

edit: If anyone can help me/us situate these shots, it'd be really appreciated. The first one, for example, is the corner of Front and...? Or am I totally off? Thanks!

This one's Front and Simcoe looking south west. You can see a sliver of Simcoe Place on the right hand side.

I have a feeling that this one's from Simcoe Park looking directly south and that's Front Street. All the renders we've seen of the decking over the tracks has only shown a park, so this has got to be the view looking south.

Looks like an interior shot looking south west again. Is this where the North Building convention space is slated to be replaced?

Park decking over the rail tracks, looking west.

Corner of Front and John, looking south west again.
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thanks Atlantis & insertnamehere.....:)
