Judging from the blue jerseys I saw on Sunday, the airport is also a popular spot for out of town sports fans to park and take UPE into the city. Probably price competitive with downtown parking, and much nicer than the grind on the Gardiner and the Spadina ramp.

- Paul

Not cheaper--if you park at terminal 1 where the UPX is it's $30 daily max (which would cover 3h20min of parking), or $25 at the Viscount garage or $20 at the Viscount surface lot (both requiring a Link train ride to get to/from UPX which adds 5-10 minutes). It's $12 for a UPX return trip on a long layover ticket valid over a 7 hour period and purchasable online only ($25 for a family, up to 2 adults, and 3 children aged 19 or under), otherwise a $18 presto round trip. Assuming parking at T1 and using long layover, it's $42. Most event parking rates downtown I've seen on game days range from $20-$30, it is probably more right at the rogers centre/acc but any lot even a couple of minutes' walk away is typically $30 at most.

Definitely much less stressful, though.
I wonder if they could make Bloor and Weston request stops and only stop at them if there are people on the platform or they indicate to the train crew they want to get off at them.
I wonder if they could make Bloor and Weston request stops and only stop at them if there are people on the platform or they indicate to the train crew they want to get off at them.

A bit dicey when the speeds and braking distances are what they are. Pretty hard for the operator to be sure there is no one on the platform from the distance they would have to start braking at. And no stop button for the riders already on board to ask to be let off.

- Paul
I wonder if they could make Bloor and Weston request stops and only stop at them if there are people on the platform or they indicate to the train crew they want to get off at them.
Out of 160 people who get on at Union, how many will go to each stop though? I would guess at least 1 so a stop request would be unnecessary. On the other hand, they should add a stop request button to Sheppard Line 4 (not really).
I wonder if they could make Bloor and Weston request stops and only stop at them if there are people on the platform or they indicate to the train crew they want to get off at them.
They'll have to slow down to 25 km/h at the platform so it won't make a big difference.
Also, when the line is electrified that'll save even more time I would think.

Nope. Maybe a minute, possibly as much as 2. But certainly no more.

The acceleration curve of a high-powered DMU versus an EMU is virtually identical up to about 35mph, and not vastly different up to about 80mph or so.

Toronto, Ont.
Nope. Maybe a minute, possibly as much as 2. But certainly no more.

The acceleration curve of a high-powered DMU versus an EMU is virtually identical up to about 35mph, and not vastly different up to about 80mph or so.

Toronto, Ont.

Ah, helpful to know. Thanks for the insight.
Judging from the blue jerseys I saw on Sunday, the airport is also a popular spot for out of town sports fans to park and take UPE into the city. Probably price competitive with downtown parking, and much nicer than the grind on the Gardiner and the Spadina ramp.

- Paul
Whenever I get on at Weston for a TFC match there are always people who clearly got on at the Airport either for a Jays game or the same match as me....I keep meaning to ask them about where they park....surely the expensive airport parking must be a deterrent but, as you observe, there are lots who seem to do it.
I wonder if they could make Bloor and Weston request stops and only stop at them if there are people on the platform or they indicate to the train crew they want to get off at them.
I'm not sure about Weston, but the Bloor stop is very well used. I highly doubt that there are ever times when a train stops at Bloor and noone gets on or off.
Whenever I get on at Weston for a TFC match there are always people who clearly got on at the Airport either for a Jays game or the same match as me....I keep meaning to ask them about where they park....surely the expensive airport parking must be a deterrent but, as you observe, there are lots who seem to do it.

Two theories - either they are actually coming off the Miway/BT bus at Terminal 1, or they are planning to go easy on concessions at the game. One less bag of popcorn at Skydome and you're breaking even, even with the expensive parking.

- Paul
Two theories - either they are actually coming off the Miway/BT bus at Terminal 1, or they are planning to go easy on concessions at the game. One less bag of popcorn at Skydome and you're breaking even, even with the expensive parking.

- Paul
third option.....we seriously underestimate how much people will be willing to pay to avoid hassles/traffic.....keep in mind, not only are these people paying expensive parking rates at the airport....they are also paying a much higher fare to ride the UP from the Airport than they would at Weston.....and for those transferring to GO to a TFC match, unlike those getting on at weston, the Union to Exhibition part of the trip is not free.
third option.....we seriously underestimate how much people will be willing to pay to avoid hassles/traffic.....keep in mind, not only are these people paying expensive parking rates at the airport....they are also paying a much higher fare to ride the UP from the Airport than they would at Weston.....and for those transferring to GO to a TFC match, unlike those getting on at weston, the Union to Exhibition part of the trip is not free.
well considering the cost to park near the stadium is $20+ on gameday plus the cost of gas and stress, the total difference probably isnt that much more for upx + go
Not cheaper--if you park at terminal 1 where the UPX is it's $30 daily max (which would cover 3h20min of parking), or $25 at the Viscount garage or $20 at the Viscount surface lot (both requiring a Link train ride to get to/from UPX which adds 5-10 minutes). It's $12 for a UPX return trip on a long layover ticket valid over a 7 hour period and purchasable online only ($25 for a family, up to 2 adults, and 3 children aged 19 or under), otherwise a $18 presto round trip. Assuming parking at T1 and using long layover, it's $42. Most event parking rates downtown I've seen on game days range from $20-$30, it is probably more right at the rogers centre/acc but any lot even a couple of minutes' walk away is typically $30 at most.

Definitely much less stressful, though.

Or they are illegally parking in one of the strip malls/industrial areas and hoping they don't receive a parking ticket, and maybe not paying the UPX fare and, again, hoping that they don't get caught.
well considering the cost to park near the stadium is $20+ on gameday plus the cost of gas and stress, the total difference probably isnt that much more for upx + go

Assume, what, 2 people in a group.

Parking at Airport......$20? So $10 per person.

Airport to Union via UP (assuming Presto) $9....Union to Ex = $4.71 = $13.71 per person X 2 (presumably they go back the same way.)

So total cost is $37.42 per person....seems rich.

My wife and I go to nearly every TFC match....we either drive and park in Liberty Village ($6 if timed right...has never been more than $9) or we drive to Weston, take the UP to Union and GO to Ex....total cost (Presto) $5.02 per person each way...so total of $10.04 per person.....or we drive to Long Branch and just take the GO for $4.98 per person.

A variety of factors determine which of our 3 routes we consider taking........and I typically prefer the Weston UP option.....but when we pass the airport, we instinctively do not consider the option of parking there and taking UP....it is just way to expensive an option (and I am not, typically, a penny pincher - much to my wife's shagrin).
Or they are illegally parking in one of the strip malls/industrial areas and hoping they don't receive a parking ticket, and maybe not paying the UPX fare and, again, hoping that they don't get caught.
is it even possible to ride the UP from the airport and not get fare checked? I have seen it happen a couple of times at Weston and Bloor where crowds surge in (on days when Jays and TFC are both playing) and overwhelm the ticket checker) but I would imagine at the airport (as at Union) everyone gets checked....the free parking might be something....there are a fair number of empty industrial lots near the end of the people mover that you could park in on weekends and walk over to the free shuttle to the UP...I guess.
