
a Simple Solution;

a Smart Solution; and,

a Complete Solution.

So, in the mean time, we should make no incremental improvements in transit and just continue to drive cars and grow in a way that only cars can support?

'cause electrification is not happening today or tomrrow and, sad as it seems, the world will keep operating while we wait for electrification.
Health concerns could derail high-speed transit link to Pearson airport
National Post
Published: Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Toronto's board of health yesterday put a potential roadblock in the path of a proposed rail line to Pearson airport, asking public health officials to study the effects of increased diesel-engine train traffic along the corridor. Metrolinx, the regional transportation authority, is contemplating a high-speed rail link from downtown to Pearson that would pass through the Weston neighbourhood. Councillor Paula Fletcher (Toronto Danforth), a health board member, requested the study, but said the investigation is in no way an attempt to derail the much-needed service. David McKeown, Toronto's Medical Officer of Health, said the focus will be on the potential public health impact, especially on schools and residents. "The challenge is there are many issues involved and we don't yet have all of the information that would allow us to do a quantitative assessment so we will have to take a look at the information that's available."

Is it normal for the board of health to look into new transit plans? Was there a similar concern about all of those diesel GO trains that are going to be running every 30 minutes on Lakeshore?

Or, is it possible that they were asked to look at this by opponents of Blue 22 and have now, inadvertantly, been dragged into a political battle which has an effect on non-Blue 22 transit (GO)....'cause if diesel is bad going to the airport it must also be bad going to Georgetown or Kitchener?
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can tell me the following: what powers, if any, do the likes of Giambrone and other City Hall personalities have to derail (pardon the pun) the EA, approval, and construction process for the corridor improvements?
... what powers, if any, do the likes of Giambrone and other City Hall personalities have to derail (pardon the pun) the EA, approval, and construction process for the corridor improvements?
Not much compared to the province's power to derail Transit City or takeover operation of TTC.
Blue 22

Its amazing that as more and more people see the flaws, cost, and damages the Airport Rail Link as currently proposed will casue, opposition is growing and growing fast.
Build it once, and build it right.
If we are going to talk about the environment and be "environmentally friendly", then electrify.
If we are talking about providing transit to all, then utilize the GO Trains, add more stops along the routes, but do in a manner that does not impact communities and residents along the way.
Bury the darn thing too!
More like the more that a few Nimbies stir-the-pot with lies, mistruths, and exagerations, the more upset people will appear.

It's a shame that they don't put people in jail for yelling fire in a crowded room.

Though I really haven't seen any indication from the regulars here of growing opposition.

Oh now they are supposed to bury the thing ... how much public money do we spend, to keep Nimbies happy?
If anything the continuing redirection (misdirection?) of attenting by WCC has turned more people against their cause rather than supporting it. I can clearly remember a few years ago when Blue-22 first came about that very, very few people were critical of WCC objections to Blue 22 (I was one of them and I'd say on here and on SCC that support for WCC was roughly 90 % while those who were against WCC were 10%), now concessions have been made and WCC redirects attention to some other issue.

At the beginning it was the closing off of streets and cutting up of the neighbourhood, then it was the noise of x number of trains passing by their homes, then it was the pollution of diesel locomotives. What's next? Permenant go slow orders for trains passing through here just in case someone decides to walk the rails (for the record I have done that as the MacTier sub passes through my neighbourhood), or so that the wind from the train doesn't blow our hats off?

Please tell me where does it stop? If the line gets electrified, tunnelled, and the Airport express train is forced to stop at an underused (for that service at least) Weston station, what will they ask for next? GO trains will run right alongside the Airport Express trains just like they they always have, potentially running all day trains like the Lakeshore line. Thanks to these track inprovements. Electrification will come it's part of GO's and Metrolinx's plans.

Environmentally I bet you that on a per passenger basis that even the 50 yr old DMU's that will be used are more environmentally friendly than a bunch of Crown Victorias on the 401.

Transit wise GO is there, will be there and will be one of the main beneficiaries of these improvements both for Georgetown (existing base) and for Bolton (potential base). We don't know what the agreement will be on the spur line to Pearson, will the Airport Express have exclusive rights to that spur? Than I'm not down with that. It's unfortunate that GO doesn't realize the benefit it can have by providing service to Pearson (a potential hub for it's service), but GO should be serving Pearson now.
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can tell me the following: what powers, if any, do the likes of Giambrone and other City Hall personalities have to derail (pardon the pun) the EA, approval, and construction process for the corridor improvements?

The only issues that have standing are matters of provincial interest related to natural or cultural heritage features or aboriginal treaty issues.
So, in the mean time, we should make no incremental improvements in transit and just continue to drive cars and grow in a way that only cars can support?

'cause electrification is not happening today or tomrrow and, sad as it seems, the world will keep operating while we wait for electrification.

Build electrified rail lines now because that would be:

a Simple solution;

a Smart solution; and,

a more Economical solution.
Build electrified rail lines now because that would be:

a Simple solution;

a Smart solution; and,

a more Economical solution.

ok.....I get it...we all want electrification...NOW.

Right now, however, we have a regional transit system that is based on diesel (buses and rail) that does not reach enough people often enough.

We have a significant amount of money having been made available from various levels of government that seems to be enough, in the short/mid term to expand transits reach but not electrify......so the regional planning group has decided to apply that money, firstly, to expanding the infrastructure so that more people have more access to more transit.

If the priority was electrification, then the money would spread not anywhere near as far and some people would not get any more transit.

Wanting electrified lines now is, sorta, like me wanting to date a supermodel.....it is a great idea, everyone can understand why I want it but we all know it is a bit (a fair bit) out of my reach.
Wanting electrified lines now is, sorta, like me wanting to date a supermodel.....it is a great idea, everyone can understand why I want it but we all know it is a bit (a fair bit) out of my reach.

Amusing analogy but I'd have to disagree (not just because I don't know what you look like), it's more like wanting that expensive forest hill mansion while still living in your parents basement. It's a noble goal but perhaps you shouldn't be snubbing your nose at that small condo/apartment/house as a starter home and a stepping stone to that Forest hill home.
Amusing analogy but I'd have to disagree (not just because I don't know what you look like), it's more like wanting that expensive forest hill mansion while still living in your parents basement. It's a noble goal but perhaps you shouldn't be snubbing your nose at that small condo/apartment/house as a starter home and a stepping stone to that Forest hill home.

Agreed. You've gotta walk before you can run, just as long as you don't give up the dream once you start walking.
I don't support Blue 22 at all, but if it was cancelled due to "health concerns" if could set a very dangerous precedent. Imagine if all buses and GO Trains were forced out of service for the same reason. The WCC turned out to be just another stupid NIMBY group with a stupid knee-jerk reaction. Sad.
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On the bright side, they are just shooting themselves in the foot. It will be quite clear to Metrolinx, that the new round of demands are just completely unreasonable, and over the top, and no one will expect them to take seriously.

And yes, I too was mostly supportive of them when they started - but to still demanding that John Street have a vehicle crossing, rather than a pedestrian crossing, when they are already building a vehicle crossing at King Street, just 175 metres further up the track is just unbelievable. Obviously they can't go and claim that they don't want to drive the extra few metres ... so they are turning it into a wheelchair access issue. Unbelievable ... the intellectual dishonesty of these people is shocking.
