Project getting heat

Looks like opposition is growing against the current proposed Airport Rail Link Plans.:)
School Board Trustees are concerned about the health impact that a diesel train running by the schools every 3 mintues will have on the health of children. It is estimated that 30,000 kids live near the tracks and attend schools, daycares, parks and recreational facilities that are literally right next to the tracks.
Finally, people are paying attention.
Electrify the line and bury it through impacted communities.
Its very simple. As oppose to wasting time, energy and frustrating residents. Do it right, and do it right the first time.
More nonsense. How many schools and daycares are next to an arterial road which has a vehicle pass by every 5 seconds? Surely that's worse than a diesel train every three minutes!
Looks like opposition is growing against the current proposed Airport Rail Link Plans.:)
School Board Trustees are concerned about the health impact that a diesel train running by the schools every 3 mintues will have on the health of children. It is estimated that 30,000 kids live near the tracks and attend schools, daycares, parks and recreational facilities that are literally right next to the tracks.
Finally, people are paying attention.
Electrify the line and bury it through impacted communities.
Its very simple. As oppose to wasting time, energy and frustrating residents. Do it right, and do it right the first time.

Simply more people being manipulated by York South Weston's NIMBY'ism. It seems that YSW will only be satisfied when the ARL becomes an underground (but only through YSW, the rest can be at grade) electrified line with stops every 1km or so. Sounds a lot like a subway to me. Tell me, if the line were electrified (i.e. no emissions) than what purpose does burying it serve?

What bright sparks decided to put these schools, daycares, parks, and rec facilites right next to the train tracks, hmmm? I'm sure land value was one of the reasons for placing them there. Did they not realize that this is one of the widest rail right of ways in the city, and it comes close to connecting to the country's busiest airport? Did they expect the rails to simply be mothballed?
What about all the diesel trucks and cars on the 401 going 24/7 every day? I would consider that to be worse than any train. Sorry, I think that is NIMBYism at its worst. They are just looking for any little speck of dirt and trying to draw attention to it.

Yes, electrify the line, the sooner the better. However, until the infrastructure is in place, use diesel in the short term.
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The tracks were there first, so Weston reisdents should shut up.

Here, Here, but GO plans suck.

At the same time, the city has to take full blame for allowing residental ans schools to be built next to the tracks in the first place since the late 60's.

It is also buyer be aware and if you don't do your homework before buying next to the tracks, it thier fault. They either accepit it or move and as simple as that.
The tracks were there first, so Weston reisdents should shut up.

WOW, again plenty of misinformation.

Weston was here first. See link....,_Ontario

Trains came later. Trains made Weston prosper.

There are literally 4 - 6 frieght trains a day, 12 GO Trains a day, and a couple of Via trains a day that currently ride through Weston.
No streets are closed off.
The trains are not a bother to residents as they pass through slowly.

Today, we are talking about changing all that.
Closing streets.
A train will pass every 4 minutes through Weston. When you factor all day Georgetown GO service, planned Bolton Line, frieght, Via Service, and Blue 22.
Diesel trains, when every other country is going electric. Yet we are claiming Toronto wants to be the "green city".
How can the schools, churchs, senior homes, and other instituitions operate next to the tracks with a train passing by every 4 minutes.

Also, its not just Weston residents, we are talking Mount Dennis, Junction, Parkdale, Liberty Village, and so many other residents that are shocked at the plan and the complete disregard for residents.

I am sure that most on this board will never use Blue 22. Yet seem to know everything.

Blue 22 does nothing to improve the communities it passes through. It does nothing in its current proposed form bring any improvements to Toronto.

Again, very simple, electrify the line, and bury it through the communities it passes. To make it even better, add more stops to service the north west end of Toronto which is already transit underserved.
Trains made Weston prosper.


If there were no Air Rail link and we just had 4 GO Trains per hour which everyone could use then would the community still be opposed? I will base my opinion on your answer to this question.
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WOW, again plenty of misinformation.

Weston was here first. See link....,_Ontario

Trains came later. Trains made Weston prosper.

There are literally 4 - 6 frieght trains a day, 12 GO Trains a day, and a couple of Via trains a day that currently ride through Weston.
No streets are closed off.
The trains are not a bother to residents as they pass through slowly.

Today, we are talking about changing all that.
Closing streets.
A train will pass every 4 minutes through Weston. When you factor all day Georgetown GO service, planned Bolton Line, frieght, Via Service, and Blue 22.
Diesel trains, when every other country is going electric. Yet we are claiming Toronto wants to be the "green city".

How can the schools, churchs, senior homes, and other instituitions operate next to the tracks with a train passing by every 4 minutes.

Also, its not just Weston residents, we are talking Mount Dennis, Junction, Parkdale, Liberty Village, and so many other residents that are shocked at the plan and the complete disregard for residents.

I am sure that most on this board will never use Blue 22. Yet seem to know everything.

Blue 22 does nothing to improve the communities it passes through. It does nothing in its current proposed form bring any improvements to Toronto.

Again, very simple, electrify the line, and bury it through the communities it passes. To make it even better, add more stops to service the north west end of Toronto which is already transit underserved.

I was referring to the daycares and the residents, not the neighbourhood itself. The people at Weston chose to move near the railway and they should just suck it. That's just my opinion.

You complain about the fact that the trains are diesel and then you complain potential frequency of the trains also. Why don't you just be honest and admit that you don't want any trains period.
Here, Here, but GO plans suck.

At the same time, the city has to take full blame for allowing residental ans schools to be built next to the tracks in the first place since the late 60's.

It is also buyer be aware and if you don't do your homework before buying next to the tracks, it thier fault. They either accepit it or move and as simple as that.
I would imagine that the government of the 60s thought railroads would be obsolete by now. Still not very smart on their part.

I'm sorry to the residents of YSW, but I can't wait for this project to get started. All day Georgetown Train service, Blue 22 and Bolton Line will all be wonderful improvements to the system. Electrification will come, but I think it's better to start service and then have electrification on the agenda.

Definitely a massive case of NIMBYism.
Again, very simple, electrify the line, and bury it through the communities it passes. To make it even better, add more stops to service the north west end of Toronto which is already transit underserved.

Right-on.... i agree. Its an ugly Ancient Train System that would most likely be ok in a 3rd world country.:eek: Hey we are in 2009 where most of the developed modern world is eco-conscience and looking at using electrified high tech eco/user-friendly transit rail systems. I say scrap this proposed line and start from scratch. And again i am not a Nimby, i just want the best for Toronto and its residents.
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WOW, again plenty of misinformation.

Weston was here first. See link....,_Ontario

Trains came later. Trains made Weston prosper.

Yet you are claiming that they will kill Weston today....

There are literally 4 - 6 frieght trains a day, 12 GO Trains a day, and a couple of Via trains a day that currently ride through Weston.
No streets are closed off.
The trains are not a bother to residents as they pass through slowly.

Today, we are talking about changing all that.
Closing streets.
A train will pass every 4 minutes through Weston. When you factor all day Georgetown GO service, planned Bolton Line, frieght, Via Service, and Blue 22.
Diesel trains, when every other country is going electric. Yet we are claiming Toronto wants to be the "green city".
How can the schools, churchs, senior homes, and other instituitions operate next to the tracks with a train passing by every 4 minutes.

Show me which streets are being closed off, aside from 1 street that will have a pedestrian overpass built. No, I repeat No streets are going to be closed off. Be carefull how you throw that accusation of misinformation around. As for the other points...

"The trains pass through slowly and thus are not a bother to residents". So the fact that the trains will be travelling faster bothers you? How so? By your logic we should reduce the speed limit on the 401 through the GTA since it passes so closely to residential, recreational, and institutional uses.

"How can schools, etc operate next to tracks with trains passing every 4 minutes". Why not answer my initial question of who's bright idea it was to place these things right next to the city's widest rail corridor and not expect a number of trains passing by. The simple, truthfull answer is because the land is/was cheap. Now you have to deal with the increase in rail traffic, you knew the tracks were there.

Also, its not just Weston residents, we are talking Mount Dennis, Junction, Parkdale, Liberty Village, and so many other residents that are shocked at the plan and the complete disregard for residents.

I am sure that most on this board will never use Blue 22. Yet seem to know everything.

Blue 22 does nothing to improve the communities it passes through. It does nothing in its current proposed form bring any improvements to Toronto.

These people are just buying into YSW propaganda (aided somewhat by GO's idiocy, see West Toronto Diamond separation troubles). I implore you to stand at a downtown streetcorner and see how many airport taxis, airport busses, etc run around down there to bring people to the airport. The ARL (nice touch btw using Blue22 to illicite negative emotions but Blue22 in it's initial form is all but dead) will serve those people downtown and will relieve congestion on our streets and highways. This benefits Toronto, period. Keep in mind also that this is more than the ARL, this is allowing for expanded service along the Georgetown line, and creation of the Bolton line. Complaining that these services don't benefit you is short sighted and self centred when you consider the benefits to those further along the line and the GTA as a whole.

Again, very simple, electrify the line, and bury it through the communities it passes. To make it even better, add more stops to service the north west end of Toronto which is already transit underserved

Answer the question, if we electrify then why do we need to bury the lines? Since the trains will be emissions free, why would we need to take the extra expense of burying the lines when a trench will do just fine. Secondly if we add more stops to the line wouldn't that, by definition, mean that we would have to add more trains to the line? Isn't that what you were against further up in your post?

Bury it through the communities it passes? I don't think there is a stretch of that line from Union to the outskirts of Brampton that does not run through some sort of community (of course you are only thinking about 'your' community here), is that really a necessary expense.

Finally YSW will actually have some pretty good transit service in the coming years if you were paying attention. The Eg crosstown line will pass to the south of the community, GO will still service Weston station, and shock!, there might actually be improved all day service to Weston station, the Jane LRT will pass to the east, and even the St Clair streetcar will be a short ride away.
