Regardless of which farmhouse was built first, the fact stands that many of today's buildings were built with knowledge of the rail line. It is even more deplorable that some of it was built after Pearson became the airport....from that point on it should have been obvious that sooner or later this rail corridor would become well traversed. I'd like to know when that school was put in.

At this point I would suggest that the government should offer to expropriate those who are unhappy and live right beside the tracks. We could move the school and re-sell the houses to those who would not mind living beside the tracks. That's far cheaper than spending hundreds of millions electrifying the line right now or burying it for the sake of one school. Other broader community concerns (closing of streets, etc) have already been fairly addressed...particularly by the trench.
At this point I would suggest that the government should offer to expropriate those who are unhappy and live right beside the tracks.
That would set a huge precedent. What next, buy the houses of the hundreds of thousands of people in/near Pearson, or who hear/see a plane?
I live near a street which City Planners had the audacity to plan, right in front of my driveway of all places. Literally dozens of cars drive by every day, filling my lungs with smoke. Until we all decide to behave maturely and bury Glenmont Avenue and legislate that all cars are powered via trolley polls, I will have no choice but to protest loudly.

As for Pearson, well the only logical solution is to tether airplanes to some kind of trolley poles as well and bury the Pearson runways, so as to not disturb residents.
I live near a street which City Planners had the audacity to plan, right in front of my driveway of all places. Literally dozens of cars drive by every day, filling my lungs with smoke. Until we all decide to behave maturely and bury Glenmont Avenue and legislate that all cars are powered via trolley polls, I will have no choice but to protest loudly.

As for Pearson, well the only logical solution is to tether airplanes to some kind of trolley poles as well and bury the Pearson runways, so as to not disturb residents.
:D I like your thinking.
That would set a huge precedent. What next, buy the houses of the hundreds of thousands of people in/near Pearson, or who hear/see a plane?

Nobody lives right next door to a runway though. Mind you the waterfront NIMBYs could be bolstered by such a decision. However, there's no shortage of people who would buy their condos if they don't like living near an airport.

My suggestion only extends to those who live immediately beside the rail corridor. After all, that's who the WCC uses to carry the banner. Ditto for the school...which I think is a genuine concern. I doubt anybody wants their child's education disrupted by that many trains going I am willing to accept that the school should be moved or retrofitted to deal with the noise. I don't that's too much. And I am willing to accept that anyone who has their nose pressed against the rail corridor and wants to move should be helped. But anybody else who lives across the street or further....suck it up.
Nobody lives right next door to a runway though. Mind you the waterfront NIMBYs could be bolstered by such a decision. However, there's no shortage of people who would buy their condos if they don't like living near an airport.
Though I've certainly had to stop my conversation inside houses in suburban Mississauga - near Erin Mills Road - because of the noise when planes go right overhead with the windows open. Miles from the airport. I live quite close to the Lakeshore line, and I haven't ever had to stop my conversation. Hmm, and ironically a small plane is passing overhead as I write this - probably into Toronto Island - barely audible. Ah, and there's the ice-cream truck ... makes more noise than both of them ... should I call 9-1-1?
I was up on St Clair today and all I could hear from Dufferin St to Bathurst was, Bang, Bang, double bangs of both pile drivers. I was walking and that a fair distance from the site.

Try to pickup the bangs sound with the camere, but wind kill it.

I saw those so call sound bearier on Monday and had a laugh looking at them.

what does it have to do with GO though? from the drawings i've seen, blue 22 will have its own two tracks with its own platforms won't it?

No, it will share tracks with GO, VIA, and CN. If the service levels in the corridor and at Union were to stay the same as the current levels then the planned additional tracks would be enough to dedicate tracks to them, but plans for increased GO and VIA services means that trains will be passing each other with VIA and GO making use of all tracks as necessary. At Union they will use the same platform all the time but GO will also use the platform as well during rush hours.
No one has answered my (and a few others) questions yet...

1) If the tracks are electrified, i.e. no pollution, then what purpose does burying the tracks serve?

2) What streets, aside from John St. are going to be shut down due to this expansion?

3) What sort of stop spacing, considering this would be a GO type of service on the tracks, would you like or do you expect to see? And what sort of service would you consider acceptable? All local stops and no express trains from the outer reaches of the GTA or would you permit some express trains to bypass the inner toronto stations?
The first one is an easy one. Burying the tracks reduces noise and frees up space for additional rail capacity or a bike path.
No one has answered my (and a few others) questions yet...

1) If the tracks are electrified, i.e. no pollution, then what purpose does burying the tracks serve?

2) What streets, aside from John St. are going to be shut down due to this expansion?

3) What sort of stop spacing, considering this would be a GO type of service on the tracks, would you like or do you expect to see? And what sort of service would you consider acceptable? All local stops and no express trains from the outer reaches of the GTA or would you permit some express trains to bypass the inner toronto stations?

1) trains are electrified, its still important to look at burying the train in various parts due to the pure volume of trains that will continue to grow using the tracks. streets through weston would still need to be kept open, strachan ave, denision etc would still need to be kept, by burying the train through various sections of the city. this way, if more trains need to be added, its possible without distrupting the communities, nor incurring any additional costs. build it right the first time, build it once.

2) who knows what other streets are going to close. first all streets in weston were to close, now only John Street. will see when the digging starts. Strachan Ave was to have the train buried, now its a hump bridge. So where does it end? Thats why its important to stay informed and watch every move being made.

3) more stops need to be added, no questions asked. but i believe most would prefer the GO Train operating the service, as oppose to private operate SNC Lavalin. Stations could be added at Woodbine, Junction, Liberty Village....why does the train not also added stops in mississauga and georgetown?
