

The revitalization of Union Station is in full swing and it’s hard to miss the improvements. The beauty of the restored historic building has livened up Front Street and the newly built, modern and bright York concourse is open and ready for you.

The Bay Concourse will be closed for major renovations for approximately two years. During this time a new, modern and more spacious concourse will be built to make your GO journey even better, with new stairways and elevators so you can get around easier and more retail options for you to enjoy.
It really wouldn't hurt for them to announce it a month earlier. The learning curve for most commuters will be steep (just looking at the crazyness that was the last round of platform swaps strikes fear into how the same crowd will handle this one).

It really wouldn't hurt for them to announce it a month earlier. The learning curve for most commuters will be steep (just looking at the crazyness that was the last round of platform swaps strikes fear into how the same crowd will handle this one).


They'd better post a million signs all over the place, on the doorways at the platforms, in the various passageways, hand out notices, etc or there's going to be mass pandemonium on August 16th. Oh hell, there'll be mass pandemonium anyway, at least for the first week or two. People will be in a total panic because they don't know any other route if that's the only way they've been going for years.

Things will get crazy again after Labour Day when the students return but everyone will figure it out eventually.
People will be in a total panic because they don't know any other route if that's the only way they've been going for years.

Things will get crazy again after Labour Day when the students return but everyone will figure it out eventually.

Oh I can't wait to see the hysteria that is not being able to find the access to one's platform (wait, make that the York Concourse in general) - a minute before departure time. It will be ugly.

Oh I can't wait to see the hysteria that is not being able to find the access to one's platform (wait, make that the York Concourse in general) - a minute before departure time. It will be ugly.


And if they thought people walking along the platforms while trains are in motion was a problem before, wait until everyone starts coming up from the York Concourse. Hopefully some people will divert to the Bay Teamways to board at the east end of trains.
It would be criminal not to encourage the crowd rushing up the subway station to use the Bay Teamways.


They should make that suggestion as part of an education campaign. Some of the subway crowd could walk around to the West Teamway and reduce the bottlenecking through the York Concourse. People walking down Bay St. should also see some signage advising them to use the Teamways on both sides. Let's see how they handle this in terms of the notices and suggested alternate routes. Hopefully they won't just tell everyone to go to the York Concourse.
They should make that suggestion as part of an education campaign. Some of the subway crowd could walk around to the West Teamway and reduce the bottlenecking through the York Concourse. People walking down Bay St. should also see some signage advising them to use the Teamways on both sides. Let's see how they handle this in terms of the notices and suggested alternate routes. Hopefully they won't just tell everyone to go to the York Concourse.

If possible they should wire up the East Bay teamway and put some ticket dispensers/Presto loading terminals as well.

EDIT: Looks like that's the plan:

Use the Teamways
Both Teamways on Bay and York Street have customer service counters, PRESTO machines and access to train and bus platforms.

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They should make that suggestion as part of an education campaign. Some of the subway crowd could walk around to the West Teamway and reduce the bottlenecking through the York Concourse. People walking down Bay St. should also see some signage advising them to use the Teamways on both sides. Let's see how they handle this in terms of the notices and suggested alternate routes. Hopefully they won't just tell everyone to go to the York Concourse.

Well will the moat be opened up by then? I agree that if there is not a direct connection to the York concourse, it will be retarded in the Bay West teamway.
there's going to be mass pandemonium on August 16th.
Oh I can't wait to see the hysteria that is not being able to find the access to one's platform (wait, make that the York Concourse in general) - a minute before departure time. It will be ugly.

There’s no point in acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for fifty of your Earth years so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaints and its far too late to start making a fuss about it now.

-- [meanwhile in the background]
-- -- earth being imploded in demolition for a hyperspace bypass


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Wait till you see what they are going to do with the Bay East teamway as part of the Bay Park Centre (45 Bay).

The teamways are sadly the black sheep of this renovation. Throughout most of the station, you have beautifully consistent black & white design but then the teamways are cheap and poorly built with no attention to design.

So you're saying that this is temporary? Will the York teamway be finished like the one on Bay even though it won't see an adjacent tower development?
It really wouldn't hurt for them to announce it a month earlier. The learning curve for most commuters will be steep (just looking at the crazyness that was the last round of platform swaps strikes fear into how the same crowd will handle this one).


I don't disagree with you, but they had asked those of us who knew not to make it public until they were ready to announce it. And apparently, they now are.

Toronto, Ont.
So you're saying that this is temporary? Will the York teamway be finished like the one on Bay even though it won't see an adjacent tower development?

I haven't see any plans for revamping York teamway - only that East Bay teamway will be redone as part of Bay Park.

I don't disagree with you, but they had asked those of us who knew not to make it public until they were ready to announce it. And apparently, they now are.

Of course - besides they should be the ones managing the announcement in any case.

The TTC monolith signs on Front st are being re-worked, to what looks like a permanent solution. If you didn't like the white cheap plexiglass, you will be comforted with a light blue glass version. The monolith structures remained unchanged, including the florescent lighting. sorry no pics.
