These two do a great job of showing the future escalator bay up to GO Bay. I still wager the majority of commuters are going to have no idea what hit them once this half opens up. Despite the ongoing work for the past decade I think something like close to 60% of the new spaces remain off limits. This is totally going to surprise people.
Yep, I agree. It's going to be amazing.


Where do those stairs come from? I thought the idea was to level the subway exit through the moat to the station and eliminate stairs.
Those stairs lead to the west side of the Bay teamway entrance, not the subway.

Referring back to this image:

I estimate that the image is looking S-S/E along what is termed the "Bay St Promenade" and you can see if you follow the orange arrows towards the large red asterix there are stairs to get up to Bay. I assume that the ceiling above is also the floor for the new Go Bay Concourse.
Referring back to this image:

I estimate that the image is looking S-S/E along what is termed the "Bay St Promenade" and you can see if you follow the orange arrows towards the large red asterix there are stairs to get up to Bay. I assume that the ceiling above is also the floor for the new Go Bay Concourse.

Actually nope, it is just north of the GO Concourse



The space will remain full height as is - rendering:


(images from UT)

Actually nope, it is just north of the GO Concourse



The space will remain full height as is - rendering:

(images from UT)


How? The GO Bay St Concourse level doesn't exist yet. It is being built above the promenade/retail level, which is the old GO Concourse lowered to the same elevation as the TTC station.
The double height space is below the grand hall annex portion, not the standard GO concourse. the Grand Hall floor level is significantly higher than the GO concourse.
How? The GO Bay St Concourse level doesn't exist yet. It is being built above the promenade/retail level, which is the old GO Concourse lowered to the same elevation as the TTC station.

As you can see in I42's pic:


It's further back - and keep in mind the station isn't symmetrical - the reason why they are digging deeper directly underneath the headhouse of the Bay wing is to level it with the subway station. That wasn't done for the York wing until you hit the GO Concourse.

That's also why there are staircases/escalators on either side of what's labelled as the Bay Street Promenade - which was always there, just extended further to accommodate the increased depth.

So looking at this massive project...when is it supposed to be done? At the close of the PanAm Games, it was summer 2015 and I believe they forecast 2 years. Here we are...
So looking at this massive project...when is it supposed to be done? At the close of the PanAm Games, it was summer 2015 and I believe they forecast 2 years. Here we are...
As a frequent poster on UT I am surprised you missed the discussion on the 2017 annual progress report to Government Management Committee in May. See: This is what it says on future dates and deadlines:

Stage 2/3
• Exterior restoration of the East Wing is 50% complete. • Great Hall Restoration: East and West arches, including windows, north wall and ceiling cleaning complete, south wall 33% complete. • Front Street West Moat: all underground work complete and ready for Moat Installation. • Front Street East Moat: 75% of underground work complete and passenger switchover completed successfully. • East Wing ground floor over 50% complete. • Bay Concourse/Retail: Excavation 95% complete; Structural column replacements almost completed; 50% of new Bay Concourse suspended slab completed; 30% of slab on grade completed.

Future Milestones Planned
Substantial Completion of Stage 2/3 currently expected in February 2018 (excluding York and Bay Street moat covers; mid 2018), which includes the restoration of the Bay Concourse, VIA Concourse, Great Hall, remaining retail areas and East Wing exterior façade. This will trigger the turnover of the Bay Concourse to Metrolinx for final fixturing. After this time, the City will have no control of the actual timing of the opening of the Bay Concourse to the public.

Updated Schedule
Project completion is currently scheduled in early 2018. This is based upon and within the parameters of the awarded Stage 2/3 construction contract to Bondfield Construction Co. and represent their contractual schedule. Note this completion date excludes the Bay and York Street Moat Covers per the construction contract. This remains a very challenging objective and the project team is working diligently to achieve this target.
After seeing pictures inside the Bay St concourse/promenade, an early 2018 completion date seems incredibly ambitious to me. It looks like there is at least another year's worth of work. I hope I'm wrong!
After seeing pictures inside the Bay St concourse/promenade, an early 2018 completion date seems incredibly ambitious to me. It looks like there is at least another year's worth of work. I hope I'm wrong!
Don't forget that the 'completion date' for the Bay Concourse (February 2018) is when it is ready to hand over to Metrolinx. If it follows the schedule we have seen with the York side there may be public passageways so we can walk through but no retail or ticketing etc for MANY months longer.
After seeing pictures inside the Bay St concourse/promenade, an early 2018 completion date seems incredibly ambitious to me. It looks like there is at least another year's worth of work. I hope I'm wrong!

Nah. My recollection was that we were thinking the same thing with the York Concourse and then in the summer of 2015 it opened.
Noticed today on my way to the jays game that the newly opened route through the bay concourse has been closed.

Too many people to get pictures but it has been fenced off.
