Is the whole moat going to be lowered to the level of the subway mezzanine or just parts of it?
Keep in mind that other than the lighting, the tunnel looks pretty much as it looked before...
Is the whole moat going to be lowered to the level of the subway mezzanine or just parts of it?

The moat will mostly remain at a level close to what it is at now, likely slightly higher (about 6 inches), to be level with the current floor of the lower level exit near where the rental cars parked in the west moat. There will be a cut out of the moat at the TTC subway entrance so the mall level can access the subway concourse level without stairs. People walking through the moat would be able to walk down stairs to the mall level and TTC concourse, or stay at moat level and walk over that connection.
There's a note on GO's website that "the access stairway, located towards the west end of platforms 10-11 will be closed for construction related to the Union Station Revitalization project", along with a map. As a map of the platforms is a rare thing, I thought I'd post it here:

The lone elevator to track 13/14 is interesting (is it really 14/15?). I actually took it last summer - my wife and 2-year old were leaving track 16 on VIA for a few weeks, and as you're not allowed up there, I thought I'd go up to the nearest open GO platform to wave goodbye. First thing I saw was that elevator, which I took. It's only when I was up there, and thinking about leaving (mission successful - though I got a couple of odd looks from the VIA staff only a couple of metres away over the track), that I realised that there weren't ANY stairs to that platform, and only freight elevators (presumably it was/is a cargo-only platform). For a minute I didn't think the elevator I'd took was going to respond to me pushing the buttons to go back down either!
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When I was last at Union Station I spent a good few minutes staring at that map. I like it.

It was clearly made by someone who lives in the 905 though.
lol yeah that elevator is used only for handicap access to GO trains on track 7. Otherwise nobody ever goes up there (except for VIA staff loading & unloading luggage I suppose). But its not like your not allowed to - it doesn't say that anywhere.
Ah, I think I see ... so it really is platform 14/15 ... but they've labelled it 13/14 because otherwise, anyone looking for the handicapped elevator to track 13 would never find it, and then loads through the platform 14 back door of the GO Train that everyone else uses Platform 13 for ...

... yes, that's what I kept telling myself ... that it didn't say anywhere I wasn't allowed to go there. It's a great place to wave goodbye to people on VIA trains! Though platform 12/13 would have been almost as good.
Did I read somewhere that they are going to build an additional island platform on the by pass tracks immediately south of platforms 26/27?
Plywood hoarding is completely removed from platform 25. Looks like there is still a tremendous amount of work left to be done on that section (platform 24), however since hoarding is down, things are progressing.
One comment on the glass shed: it appears as though it's length is only about 50m or so, why did they make it so short? It will hardly be felt when standing on the platforms. I can't imagine doubling its size would blow up the costs.
The existing shed is a heritage structure. The width that is glass is the about the same length as the Great Hall which will make it fit into the existing structure well. As the stairwells are all replaced with low glass railings the shed will seem a lot more open.
Anyone know if the Arcade shutting down is temporary and due to this project, or if its permanent? Apparently its been boarded up and the signs removed.
Hey... you are posting the topic in the right thread. Are you nuts? If you refer to the wrong thread you would see we are already discussing the arcade :)

I would imagine it is permanent but the owner could come back if they didn't mind the new lease rates when the new underground retail space becomes ready. Basically their old lease is up and new leases will be available in about 3 to 4 years from now. I'm not sure there is enough money in the business to come back.
The media got a tour of the contruction going on at Union today. The CBC showed interesting views of the work going on under the station where they are working on the pillars. They also showed the progress on the future VIA Rail lounge.
