And look who it is on the left! Our very own Craig White. I suspect an update from UT will be coming on this very project if he was there ;) haha.

What are the plans for the shanty town that covers the tracks? Any drawings of what it will look like? Have they begun the process of tearing it down? Picture taken from my condo:

What are the plans for the shanty town that covers the tracks? Any drawings of what it will look like? Have they begun the process of tearing it down?

You mean the train shed?

Unfortunately, it cannot be torn down as it is apparently a heritage structure. Instead, a green roof will be added with a glass portion in the centre of the structure:


Source: The City of Toronto, Union Station Revitalization.
Unfortunately, it cannot be torn down as it is apparently a heritage structure.

It's a heritage structure?!? That's rich. Oh well at least it will look a lot nicer with the green roof and the glass. Thank you for the link.
What are the plans for the shanty town that covers the tracks? Any drawings of what it will look like? Have they begun the process of tearing it down? Picture taken from my condo:


Thanks for the photo showing both the work on the station roof and the L Tower. Thumbs down on the train shed commentary however.
That the Backstage you see in the distance, as the L Tower is to the left out of view.

There will be solar panels on the far left of the shed roof for track 1 and 2 as they were orginal known as before GO did the renumbering, which is a mistake.

The green roof will help the area.
... track 1 and 2 as they were orginal known as before GO did the renumbering, which is a mistake.

What renumbering? They changed the designations of the platforms, not the tracks. They are still track 1, 2, etc.

Toronto, Ont.
Random question: Will Platforms 26 and 27 remain in use once the trainshed refurb is completed, or were those just built to run weekend GO service while construction is taking place?
Random question: Will Platforms 26 and 27 remain in use once the trainshed refurb is completed, or were those just built to run weekend GO service while construction is taking place?

GO's looking at adding another track and platform south of those 2, because there's still not enough capacity. So they will definitely remain.
I don't think anyone's posted this yet, but the canopy over the moat between the GO concourse and the TTC station has been gone for about a month now if not longer.
