For those who have never seen the corridor while under construction (CC). Imagine the Ford corridor that connects Union with the ACC, except with all the cars removed and (I think) most of the walls as well (so a bare concrete room). Now imagine that room with a bunch of hoarding on the West side forcing people to the East side of the corridor. That's how it was up until a few weeks while the worked in the West side, they are now done with the West side and moving to the East side. So the West side of the corridor is now open while they work on the East side. Hope that helps visualize. The image posted a few posts ago displays it pretty clearly.
It's a little like those moments when you come across an old river crossing being rebuilt, and all traffic diverted to a temporary Bailey bridge to one side.
A section of the shed above platform 14-15 has already been cut, as well as the section of the platform directly beneath it. It's currently covered with some wood. Can't wait for the crane to be installed. Anyone has a timeline for the crane installation? IIRC, it's due to arrive in August.
A section of the shed above platform 14-15 has already been cut, as well as the section of the platform directly beneath it. It's currently covered with some wood. Can't wait for the crane to be installed. Anyone has a timeline for the crane installation? IIRC, it's due to arrive in August.

This should be in the train shed thread. I'd look for the crane mid-august.
I was waiting for a GO Train when I noticed the base of the newly installed tower crane on one of the tracks.


Hopefully you can see in this image (it's a little blurry) how the crane has an opening left at track level to allow for VIA baggage vehicles to still have access to the entire length of the platform. Pretty neat. Can't wait to see the train shed start to change.


Happy Monday!
Public Art in Union revitalization?

Is anyone aware whether new artwork is part of the revitalization process? I've also asked on the the thread dealing with the platforms and new atrium, and not yet looked into the TTC subway rebuild project.

The Culture Plan for the Creative City contains the following recommendation: The Cultural Services Section will work with all relevant City departments, agencies, boards and commissions to implement Council’s policy dedicating one per cent of the capital budget of all major municipal buildings and structures, including agency, board and commission buildings and structures, to public art. As such, Cultural Services has been working collaboratively with various City divisions to identify projects that span across divisions, agencies, boards and commissions that present public art opportunities. These percent for art partnerships have resulted in commissions throughout the TTC system, including:

* Spadina LRT Sheppard line subway the York University Busway and York Subway line
* St. Clair Streetcar Right of Way
* upgrades to the Bloor line subway stations: Pape, Victoria Park, Islington, Duffering and Kipling stations.
* Union Station
Can anybody explain who is actually responsible for choosing the art these days? I sort of lost faith in all this back when the TTC decided a cat sitting on a chair was Art.

In the good old days, Richard Serra sold you a 50-foot-high piece of steel for $10 million, and if you didn't understand it that was your own tough luck!
Probably the same people who think that drawing of a bunch of dogs playing poker is the apex of the art world!!
