
I get my day job done, I don't have kids, I go to movies, host dinner parties, go on dates, travel, see lots of movies, dine out, went to the symphony this year, hike regularly and volunteer my time.

I just don't watch boring TV, play dull board games, go to concerts where the music quality is less than an old-school LP and don't sleep much. LOL

Put another way, I wouldn't wait in a queue to share info w/you all, I have other things to do. :p

But I can squeeze in some UT time between naps, projects, meals and mates. LOL
Maybe you can help me with my UT obsession and reduce your interesting and well thought out posts. :)
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Maybe you can help me with my UT obsession and reduce your interesting and well thought out posts. :)

Awww, TY for the compliment.

But if I helped you post less, @AlvinofDiaspar would be apoplectic, like many posters he requires frequent pics of Lola.

Getting AoD upset is never in anyone's interest.
Awww, TY for the compliment.

But if I helped you post less, @AlvinofDiaspar would be apoplectic, like many posters he requires frequent pics of Lola.

Getting AoD upset is never in anyone's interest.

OT - but I can always be mollified by more doggo fotos.

Yes nespresso, otherwise there was a small kisok in Hudson Bay (in EC)

Whom and what question are you answering? Just a suggestion to use the 'reply' and/or 'quote' functions when answering someone so the rest of us and that person can follow along.
Rendering for Nespresso:
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This and a couple of additional stores in key spots will really given Union a better 'feel'. Now if we can just get them to finish painting the ceiling, installing the Great Hall chandeliers; and then get GO to run a proper level of service, we'll be in business!

And the floor marble repairs!
