Ummm, how was the coffee?

To be honest the store is fairly gimmicky. Many of the drinks are sweetened (which is a red flag) and they have also decided to redefine a standard drink Macchiato yet again into something different - creates confusion in shops that try to hold the traditions. As far as the coffee, I had a single espresso. I took one sip and poured the remainder out. The equipment was definitely not dialled in - the extraction was too fast. One would think in a new shop they would pay attention to things like this - leave a good first impression. I'm sure this store will appeal to the Starbucks crowd who typically like something sweet. A true coffee fan will be disappointed IMO.
To be honest the store is fairly gimmicky. Many of the drinks are sweetened (which is a red flag) and they have also decided to redefine a standard drink Macchiato yet again into something different - creates confusion in shops that try to hold the traditions. As far as the coffee, I had a single espresso. I took one sip and poured the remainder out. The equipment was definitely not dialled in - the extraction was too fast. One would think in a new shop they would pay attention to things like this - leave a good first impression. I'm sure this store will appeal to the Starbucks crowd who typically like something sweet. A true coffee fan will be disappointed IMO.

As someone who doesn't care for Starbucks product; i personally think their basic coffee beans are over-roasted to the point of acrid; while every variable drink is too sweet and/or synthetic tasting for my palette, I find your review informative, if disappointing.
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I walked by that % shop today with my daughter. It is noticeable but neither of us knew what it was. There was a big line up so obviously we are out of the loop 🤣
Meh. Auntie Anne's is better. I hope they come back to Canada. The almond pretzel they have is so so good.

It's the same company, maybe we can get a combo unit?


And unless Google Maps is lying to me, there is an Auntie Anne's in the Square One Mall.
