The newly elected provincial majority government promised all GO lines would be electrified and running at 15 minute frequencies within 10 years of their re-election.

TO: That's some promise...I am all for GO's electrification and service improvements but can this be actually done?

TO: That's some promise...I am all for GO's electrification and service improvements but can this be actually done?


My assumption is that their absolute silence on this key election promise since the vote is an indication of how hard they are working on making sure the answer to your question is yes.
^ can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.

It was mentioned at Metrolinxs board of directors meeting in early July with the next update coming in September. The next little while will probably be EAs, etc. Its still early, there are 10 years and we are only 2 months in.. Metrolinx is largely still wrapping its head around the concept as they were only planning this kind of service for the lakeshore lines.
My assumption is that their absolute silence on this key election promise since the vote is an indication of how hard they are working on making sure the answer to your question is yes.

Or the silence is an indication that they have no way of meeting/keeping the promise.
... considering that they have approved the money for it, I don't see why they would be faltering already. I mean come on, its not even been a month since they approved funding. Do you expect construction already or something?
... considering that they have approved the money for it, I don't see why they would be faltering already. I mean come on, its not even been a month since they approved funding. Do you expect construction already or something?

No....but it is incredible that up to the budget (first introduction) and then the election you could not go a day without multiple tweets/press conferences/pronouncements from the premier, the MoT and other senior government officials reminding us that they were gonna do this 10 year/all line/fully electrified/15 minute service thing.

Since the election I am not aware of one single time when any senior ministers have mentioned it.
No....but it is incredible that up to the budget (first introduction) and then the election you could not go a day without multiple tweets/press conferences/pronouncements from the premier, the MoT and other senior government officials reminding us that they were gonna do this 10 year/all line/fully electrified/15 minute service thing.

Since the election I am not aware of one single time when any senior ministers have mentioned it.

To be fair though, they haven't mentioned much of anything since the election, which makes sense when you think about it. "We made a bunch of promises, and we've just held preliminary meetings on working out a strategy to devise a plan to implement those promises" isn't exactly news. No sense in blustering unless you have a solid advance in the planning to talk about.
To be fair though, they haven't mentioned much of anything since the election, which makes sense when you think about it. "We made a bunch of promises, and we've just held preliminary meetings on working out a strategy to devise a plan to implement those promises" isn't exactly news. No sense in blustering unless you have a solid advance in the planning to talk about.

I am gonna guess you are not a regular twitter user. Wynne, Murray et al are just about as active on twitter now as they were before the election....tweeting about all sorts of government initiatives (almost daily tweets about the ontario pension plan, for example) but the whole transit file thing just fell silent once the votes were cast.

I think part of this is reality setting was very easy to promise HSR from London to Toronto within 10 years and 15 minute electrified ReR every 15 minutes on every GO line within 10 years and all of the other next phase items in the Big Move (which include the DRL, I believe) and say that these will all come out of the two funds totalling $29B over 10 years.....

....but when ML say 1) not sure we can actually do the RER thing in ten years and 2) those plans alone would eat up $12B of the $29B funds (with the bulk of that coming out of the GTHA fund of $15B).....maybe a dose of reality is setting in.....maybe an appropriate amount of time has to pass between the making of (and voting for) the promises and the inevitable breaking of some of them.
What does it has to do with Union Station?


somone noted there was going to be (near) elimination of diesel trains under the new glass roof at Union...someone else noted only 2 GO lines were being electrified...someone else (me) noted the province had promised total electrification....the person who thought only 2 were being electrified asked "wow, is that possible"....that is where the discussion went. Connected but, as it continues, loosely so.
Kathleen was in Ottawa yesterday and she explicitly commited, for the upteenth time, that the province will fund Phase 2 of Ottawa's LRT plan.
The Ottawa LRT thread is over here. It hasn't had an update in a couple weeks, so if you have something, feel free to post there!
