Lunch time pictures.







I started my previous job and the twice daily trek through Union Station in early 2011. After a few years of walking through the never ending construction (first TTC, then GO), I joked with my colleagues that I'd probably get fired or retire before it was finished (although at the time it was more from lack of confidence in job security rather than expectations of construction delays). Almost exactly 10 years later, and I quit my job to move on to something else just a few months before the renovation was declared complete. Of all the things that have changed in the last 10 years, hard to believe the Union Station Revitalization was one of the few constants in my life.
or much longer if you count the planned Metrolinx 'link' at the south end and the platform upgrades.

And beyond that, the LRT platform expansion, the reorganization and doubling of existing GO platforms, possible extensions of said platforms for double berthing, etc.

Last but not least, the front street forecourt redesign.

Speaking of (incomplete) works............. I most commonly enter Union Station from the South, as I often stop at Longos at end of my photo-spree walks and go across to Union from there.

That south entrance, as of a week ago, was still 1/2 hoarded off, where a new access was being created to the lower level.

I wonder if they got that bit done?
Speaking of (incomplete) works............. I most commonly enter Union Station from the South, as I often stop at Longos at end of my photo-spree walks and go across to Union from there.

That south entrance, as of a week ago, was still 1/2 hoarded off, where a new access was being created to the lower level.

I wonder if they got that bit done?
Well over a year ago one could look into that door and there seemed to be a ramp (or half a ramp) running down but, of course, the left hand side is still not done as that's where the ramp from the south doors leads you UP towards the VIA concourse. Maybe now the Bay concourse is open they can demolish the left side and we're done?? (I doubt the right side could be opened until both sides are finished.
So it's done minus the ceilings, lights, the carriageway, the market area, south central stairway to the lower level, the Bay Teamway, east wing main level, etc... but those are minor touch ups.
.........and the rest of the floor of Great Hall and turning on the heritage external lights that were tested (successfully, I think) several months ago
