Every time I walk from Union TTC to a connecting GO service I try and put myself in the shoes of someone who has never been there before. Yesterday, I tried to find the GO bus station, and needless to say, I had no idea where I was going.
I think for the bus station specifically, they’ll update the signs now that Bay is open. The route used to go through York and they probably didn’t want to have a permanent sign. But I agree some temporary ones would be helpful.
I think for the bus station specifically, they’ll update the signs now that Bay is open. The route used to go through York and they probably didn’t want to have a permanent sign. But I agree some temporary ones would be helpful.
The opening of the Bay concourse was hardly a sudden decision. The new signage should all have been designed, made and been 'ready to erect' and the old signage removed or adjusted. Part of the problem is that there are actually now several ways to get from the Union TTC station to the GO bus station but the 'secret' of signage is that it needs to be clear, uncluttered and visible in any location where one faces 'alternatives'.
The opening of the Bay concourse was hardly a sudden decision. The new signage should all have been designed, made and been 'ready to erect' and the old signage removed or adjusted. Part of the problem is that there are actually now several ways to get from the Union TTC station to the GO bus station but the 'secret' of signage is that it needs to be clear, uncluttered and visible in any location where one faces 'alternatives'.
I think you are expecting Metrolinx to have done something that makes sense. Don't forget they came out with a new wayfinding system but have now opened three new terminal (new union station bus terminal, Kipling bus terminal, and bay Street) and none of them have used any of the new wayfinding.
Union Station – Bay Concourse Tim Hortons is Open
Union Station – There’s a new Tim Hortons open in the Bay Concourse! You’ll find it next to the Service Counter. Enjoy!

Question is, will Mr. Tory attend ribbon cutting?

"The opening of these Tim Horton's outlets are a testament to the hard work and dedication put forth by all levels of government in ensuring GTA commuters receive higher order transit! Talk is cheap - just like the coffee that will be flowing from these outlets - and if a spill or mishap occurs, Torontonians can rest assured that paper napkins will be plentiful to sop up the mess and possibly doodle fantasy transit plans onto them."
Walked through it. Think calling it "done" is a bit of a stretch as theres still a lot of touch ups that are needed. I wont fault them for most of the stores still being unopened though.

It's ok. I guess? It's nice and yet also kind of shoddy looking? There's (new) cracked tile all over the place, the walls are already scuffed up, wall or ceiling panels that don't line up nicely, etc. Doesn't really feel new (which I guess is fair since the York side opened a long time about), but even the Bay concourse which just opened.
Walked through it. Think calling it "done" is a bit of a stretch as theres still a lot of touch ups that are needed. I wont fault them for most of the stores still being unopened though.

It's ok. I guess? It's nice and yet also kind of shoddy looking? There's (new) cracked tile all over the place, the walls are already scuffed up, wall or ceiling panels that don't line up nicely, etc. Doesn't really feel new (which I guess is fair since the York side opened a long time about), but even the Bay concourse which just opened.
I’ve noticed the misaligned and stained ceiling tiles since day 1 on the York concourse, and the walkway between York and the north side of front is pretty abysmal too. I wonder if that’s just poor workmanship or the design (with how old the staton is) wasn’t great so they had to fit things into place.
Some Pictures. Bay Shopping Concourse and Go Waiting Area.




Ok.....so no news here...........and no brilliant pics either............just one...........why.......because sometimes details matter.

Like suppose.......you were installing glass panels adjacent to a staircase in Union Station......

Suppose this was done, in part, to make sure the Mayor could have his presser announcing substantial completion......

Suppose that once you're done, you are suppose to give your own work the once over...........but then at least one boss/supervisor, and a project manager should be through ahead of any TV cameras, not to mention a cleaning crew.....

But they all missed......


Yup.......they left the damned sticker on it!

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Hi all -- I'm trying to stay on top of all the new bus services and created a Google Doc for sharing. Since there is a consolidation of services in and around Union I though I would post here instead of Intercity Coach [Bus] Services. If there is a better thread I'm sure someone will alert me.

This is a list to aid travellers considering bus and train service from Toronto. Please let me know of any changes you think needed to be added: Ground Transport: Union Station Toronto

Cheers, Ed
