Taken 22 March. Hadn’t noticed the lighting on the ceiling thingys. Nice! Also a new(?) access to Bay from lower level.

I was referring to sign placement. Even the single occupant washroom at the YRT terminal at Pioneer Village has an exit sign in it!

Is the sign directing people in an incorrect direction? What is obvious in normal circumstances may not be so obvious during a fire emergency where things might be obscured by smoke.

I'm confused.

Side Note: Never underestimate the stupidity or carelessness of people. When there was a fire at Scotia Bank Arena a few years back and the Fire Marshall ordered an evacuation of the building. Many people wanted to exit via the platinum level concourse, despite it being basically a giant dead end/pinch point, for reasons. Or they needed to take time to collect their coat from coat check. Rather than take the most direct path out of the building.
The fire exit signs are also attached to the emergency lighting system so they stay on if all the other lights in the restaurant go off. It's pretty standard to have these things in public spaces like restaurants, even if it doesn't match the rest of the decor.
